2015 Green Bay Packers v2: Favre Week

He also said Tebow and RGIII were better than him too.

Stephen A Smith knows what's up though.
Our defense isn't getting any favors with how bad the offense is. Masthay can also suck a dick.
Woooooooow Fat Mike has seen enough


Ed Werder
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Alabama coach Nick Saban told #Packers only way to change Eddie Lacy behavior is take game away from him. Coaches essentially did vs #Lions

Very interesting. Seems like a long history of canning it up like this
James Jones needs to keep the hoodie, no matter what the weather conditions are.

Hoping for a solid play to be made from Abbrederis to keep Davante on the sidelines for the rest of the game.
Rest of the year hopefully

Poor Rollins doesn't look like he knows what to do out there. Halftime should help him
Davante is the biggest fucking piece of shit can of all cans. He made one good catch & dropped/missed like seven. Unbelievable.
Tired of this soft team. Shields is a bitch. Matthews getting payed twice as much as guys that are playing way better. Line is garbage even after 9 days off. Rodgers isnt playing worth a fuck.
They lose one fucking guy and the offense is complete garbage. Thats a coaching problem.
I just can't do this anymore. This season is a bust as far as I'm concerned. These problems with the offense have not been fixed and I don't see it being fixed before the playoffs.

Get healthy soon, Jordy. We will need you in 2016.
Shields was playing very well before he got that concussion. O-line is just rough as hell.

Davante should have stayed on the bench. How in the hell is Abbrederis going to get any momentum playing like 2 or 3 snaps?
Offense is fine without Jordy, just kneads better playcalling. Just let starks run 10X per drive with Rogders occationally lobbing it 40+ to Cobb or JJ. We have a good fucking team dammit. And am I drunk or is Lacy still, idk, hoepful?
McCanthy is still a fucking idiot. Good god I hate this fat pile of shit
wow adams has maybe the worst hands I have ever seen in the nfl. the one catch he made bounced off his face mask and he still bobbled it. That guy is a bum.
hes not a number 2, 3 or 4. hes a practice squad guy. get him off the field.

and sadly hes just one of many.
Ive come to the conclusion that this is not a decent team that is struggling this is a bad team that is over achieving. lazy, fat, and slow... we can add to that stone handed recievers. cobb is the only wr that came to play today.
im not sure if its a tempo thing or a confidence thing but what ever it is, its not getting fixed.
although i will say i liked seeing 12 actually commit and take off and run for easy first downs.
the bears gave them every chance to win this game.
and thats what makes a bad team bad and a good team good.
good teams find ways to win.
bad teams find ways to lose games.
at least this was a fun close game, unlike the other 2 on thanksgiving, but still.
just a horrible horrible performance on both offense and defense.
Janis is the best punt coverage player I've ever seen. Even if he never develops into a good receiver, he's valuable just as a flyer.
Jones fuckin sucks outside of the few times he can pull magic out of his ass. He fuckin sucks and is a waste of a body out there the majority of the time
This is what they get for not ditching mcarthy after the historic coaching meltdown in Seattle.
Glad to see Lacy is back on a roll. Solid game for Starks too.

Still waiting for the passing game to show up, but at least McCarthy is back to calling plays again.
Didnt really notice a huge difference with playcalling, some quicker passes and Cobb playing more in the backfield (which i love on passing plays but not when he gets handoffs) but still a lot of shit going on (why was Lacy not on any of the goal line plays in the 1st quarter)

Defense did their job, beat a team they should have beat so cant complain too bad. Hopefully finish strong have a tough last 3 games especially if the Oakland from today shows up next week
We are going to get our shit pushed in against the Lions next Thursday.
Janis is the best punt coverage player I've ever seen. Even if he never develops into a good receiver, he's valuable just as a flyer.

Seriously hes very impressive, that PR today is going to have nightmares. Hes usually the first guy nearby every time. At the absolute worst he can be our version of Matthew Slater
Offense is fine without Jordy, just kneads better playcalling. Just let starks run 10X per drive with Rogders occationally lobbing it 40+ to Cobb or JJ. We have a good fucking team dammit. And am I drunk or is Lacy still, idk, hoepful?

McCarthy was a terrible playcaller too. It's players, not plays. They have no one to stretch the field or occupy the seam.
Janis is the best punt coverage player I've ever seen. Even if he never develops into a good receiver, he's valuable just as a flyer.

The way he sheds the cover guys on the punts, it seems that he should be able to get away from defenders on offense too.