60,000 dead and 80 billion in damages a year- Opioids


Green Belt
Jul 8, 2017
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Prescription opioid overdose, abuse, and dependence carries high costs for American society, with an estimated total economic burden of $78.5 billion, according to a study in the October issue of Medical Care. The journal is published by Wolters Kluwer.


The preliminary figures from the National Center for Health Statistics suggest that there were more than 64,000 drug overdose deaths in 2016. And in a shocking — but not quite surprising — reveal, synthetic opioids like fentanyl overtook both heroin and prescription painkillers in terms of overdose deaths.

We have a Category 5 hurricane worth of damage being caused to the economy every year under our noses. Also the death toll rivals that of a major war. Wish this would get more attention.
adults killing themselves with drugs? i don't care. take the kids immediately, no second chances.
Must be the democrats, why isn't Kaepernick kneeling for this!! Somebody please, find Ja!
But how much did the doctors and pharmaceutical companies make? $$

opioids are terrible and shouldn't be manufactured.
And you have a DOJ gearing up to crack down on cannabis that the people have all voted for.

adults killing themselves with drugs? i don't care. take the kids immediately, no second chances.

You should care. The doctors and pharmaceutical companies have a lot of blood on their hands.

They know exactly what they are doing.
Those figures are in America alone.

The Sacklers have made billions selling oxy and are far from a household name. Because they donate to politicians.
I live in one of the worst areas for it. You see all these people looking like shit and struggling. i have no clue why anyone would want to be like them
Couple decades ago, opioid reps poured millions into promoting all the good they can provide. People wanted them.

Now Big Marajuana money is doing the same thing. You think this is being promoted so much, and lobbied for so much out of selfless charity?

The data for MJ really helping people is pretty weak. I realize they're different drugs w/ different side effects.
But we're going to be in a very similar situation in a few decades.
Couple decades ago, opioid reps poured millions into promoting all the good they can provide. People wanted them.

Now Big Marajuana money is doing the same thing. You think this is being promoted so much, and lobbied for so much out of selfless charity?

The data for MJ really helping people is pretty weak. I realize they're different drugs w/ different side effects.
But we're going to be in a very similar situation in a few decades.

What a fucking mark
Biggest problem with the opiates is they are necessary medically....but they're so addicting. It's a chemical change in your body.

CVS will start to not fill opioids prescription that last longer than 7 days.

you can't just get rid of opioids.

We have to crush (financially, career) the doctors that are over prescribing them.
Couple decades ago, opioid reps poured millions into promoting all the good they can provide. People wanted them.

Now Big Marajuana money is doing the same thing. You think this is being promoted so much, and lobbied for so much out of selfless charity?

The data for MJ really helping people is pretty weak. I realize they're different drugs w/ different side effects.
But we're going to be in a very similar situation in a few decades.


Opiates cause a chemical change to your body that creates physical dependence much like tobacco.
marijuana IS NOT physically addicting. mentally, sure, why not...you don't get sick if you don't smoke weed. you don't suck some dick for a dime bag of weed.
I was addicted, price slowly started creeping up (Canada crackdown). Cold turkeyd and it was fucking brutal. Really happy to just be a marijuana user now.
Couple decades ago, opioid reps poured millions into promoting all the good they can provide. People wanted them.

Now Big Marajuana money is doing the same thing. You think this is being promoted so much, and lobbied for so much out of selfless charity?

The data for MJ really helping people is pretty weak. I realize they're different drugs w/ different side effects.
But we're going to be in a very similar situation in a few decades.
GTFOH with this dumb bullshit. Not a single person has died from a cannabis overdose in the history of the world. There is mountains of evidence that cannabis helps people.

Stay in Nebraska or Kansas or whatever backwater shithole you're from, troll.
GTFOH with this dumb bullshit. Not a single person has died from a cannabis overdose in the history of the world. There is mountains of evidence that cannabis helps people.

Stay in Nebraska or Kansas or whatever backwater shithole you're from, troll.

That got personal quick, huh?

It can provide mild benefit in some scenarios. So can opioids.
I didn't claim it causes death from overdose. But it does have well-documented negative side-effects that can hurt individuals and society as a whole if we ignore the side effects and it becomes over-prescribed the way opioids are
That got personal quick, huh?

It can provide mild benefit in some scenarios. So can opioids.
I didn't claim it causes death from overdose. But it does have well-documented negative side-effects that can hurt individuals and society as a whole if we ignore the side effects and it becomes over-prescribed the way opioids are
You're a liar. It provides much, much more than "mild benefit". Ask the parents of kids with Dravet or Marfan syndrome. Ask any chemo patient. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. You're a liar and a troll.
That got personal quick, huh?

It can provide mild benefit in some scenarios. So can opioids.
I didn't claim it causes death from overdose. But it does have well-documented negative side-effects that can hurt individuals and society as a whole if we ignore the side effects and it becomes over-prescribed the way opioids are

What negative side effects? You can smoke pot every day and function just fine in society and be physically okay.,
It really is sad what has happened, letting this addition situation spiral out of control.

My guess is that not a whole lot will be done to change the current path we are on. We have a culture that looks for solutions in chemicals.

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