60,000 dead and 80 billion in damages a year- Opioids

What drawbacks are being hushed? Where and by what amount is marijuana being over-prescribed? Try backing up something you say with reality
Name these companies and explain to me what wrong they're doing.

Heres an example. Futuorla. The commercial talks about the longevity of the drug, and implies that it improves Diaz's performance, without once mentioning any side effect, such as the increased risk for cardiovascular events.

No, it is not currently being over prescribed all across the country, because it is just now being legalized across much of the US.
My point is, business will try to make as much money as they can off it. Like any product.

You honestly think people having a financial interest in it supports your points? A lot of businessmen like getting rich off water. Is water bad because of that?

No. But that means we should keep an eye on the people and the product, and not trust them blindly. eg- Flint, Michigan.

No shit. Opioids CAUSE seizures. Cannabis PREVENTS them, and treats pain. Now tell me again why they're the same.

They are the same because they both provide some benefit to a number of people, while causing unintended and harmful side effects.

Let me be clear; I take it to prevent my seizures and it hasn't even been regulated enough to be legal in most states, let alone profited from, so you're talking out of your asshole.

I am legitimately interested in the benefits of MJ. I have not seen any good study for decreased seizures.
I do not think that we should legalize something based just on reports from the general public.
I've seen conflicting evidence on seizures. If you have a study you can link me, please do.

My point, again, is that companies may have a not totally honorable motivation in legalizing MJ. The plan may be to collect profit off it, regardless of its actual efficacy
Heres an example. Futuorla. The commercial talks about the longevity of the drug, and implies that it improves Diaz's performance, without once mentioning any side effect, such as the increased risk for cardiovascular events.

So show us all the evidence that using the suggested amount in the described manner the company proposes can lead to cardiovascular issues, and change all of our minds.

I already know the reason you're unable to.

No, it is not currently being over prescribed all across the country, because it is just now being legalized across much of the US.
My point is, business will try to make as much money as they can off it. Like any product.

So your issue is capitalism?

No. But that means we should keep an eye on the people and the product, and not trust them blindly. eg- Flint, Michigan.

No one here is suggesting it should be blindly accepted and taken without thought. This was a discussion about heroin destroying a country, and YOU thought bringing up marijuana made sense because they were somehow equal and conparable. They're not, and you're stupid for suggesting it.

They are the same because they both provide some benefit to a number of people, while causing unintended and harmful side effects.

.... you couldn't say something stupider if you tried. You just said pork and heroin are comparably dangerous. Are you trying to sound retarded?

I am legitimately interested in the benefits of MJ. I have not seen any good study for decreased seizures.

I don't give a shit what studies you've seen. I, and many others, live the reality of it. And your opinion is worthless to us.

I do not think that we should legalize something based just on reports from the general public.

So you don't think we should use actual results from use?

I've seen conflicting evidence on seizures. If you have a study you can link me, please do.

Why would I waste my time? You're choosing to believe something from what you're supposedly calling a conflict. Meaning you apparently don't require the resolution of fact to form your opinions.

If you're telling me you're a troll, I'm just gonna treat you like one. :)

My point, again, is that companies may have a not totally honorable motivation in legalizing MJ. The plan may be to collect profit off it, regardless of its actual efficacy

And that makes it comparable to heroin in a discussion about it causing 80 billion in damages and 60k lives? No, and only a complete moron would think so.
So would universal healthcare make it worse? I'm asking a sincere question.

Quality, managed care would be an improvement over the fee for service free-for-all that currently makes up the majority of our health care system. Universal care under a single payer would allow for much better control of prescriptions. For example, the payer could require the physician to justify the reason for any patient to be on an unsafe does of opioids. If the physician could not justify it they could deny the script. It would also allow for a more organized approach to dealing with the problem. If there was a single health record for each patients then people could not go to multiple doctors and get the same prescriptions. This would also help hospitals and emergency rooms that also deal with pain medicine seekers.

Here is a really good example at one of the advantages of single payer: How hard would it be for you to track down all the vaccinations you have had in your life? For me, my pediatrician has long since retired and I am sure my chart no longer exists. I've seem doctors in various cities in my lifetime and received multiple injections and I am sure those records are not available either. In England, they have one health record for each person and have a record of all vaccinations. That is a small look at the advantage.

Done well, universal care under a single payer would be a huge improvement, especially with regards to care coordination.
Lots of butt hurt potheads in here.
Always. Every rogan podcast goes like this. I know five people that smoke pot and are successful. Neat. Vast majority of daily smokers are burn outs telling you it doesn't hurt you
They have their place but how the fuck did so many get produced? Its mind boggling how many pills are out there. Enough for every citizen to take 3 a day.

One of my childhood friends overdosed on a combination of oxy and xanax. The main reason he died was because he didnt have the tolerance of a full on addicted user but sadly, I think he was headed down that path.

My best man is so addicted i havent heard from him in almost a year. Sorry to hear about yours :(
Ahh america's secret shame!
Couple decades ago, opioid reps poured millions into promoting all the good they can provide. People wanted them.

Now Big Marajuana money is doing the same thing. You think this is being promoted so much, and lobbied for so much out of selfless charity?

The data for MJ really helping people is pretty weak. I realize they're different drugs w/ different side effects.
But we're going to be in a very similar situation in a few decades.

This guy gets it.....

Except for the difference between cannabis and opioids....
Goes to show that doctors over-prescribing painkillers is a huge issue. The US consumes most of the worldwide supply of painkillers, doctors in other countries don't prescribe nilly-willy like American doctors do. Are they insentivized by pharma companies? I imagine they are.
Goes to show that doctors over-prescribing painkillers is a huge issue. The US consumes most of the worldwide supply of painkillers, doctors in other countries don't prescribe nilly-willy like American doctors do. Are they insentivized by pharma companies? I imagine they are.
There are a lot of reasons. Heavy (and sometimes dishonest) marketing by drug companies, reckless doctors, blue-collar workers beating up their bodies, unemployment, poor coping skills.
The War on Drugs.

This seems like a pretty easy battle to win. Start with the pharma companies, then the doctors, and finally deal with the addicts.
Should seriously look more into Ibogaine and other treatments.
They need to stop prescribing suboxone as well. Every person I know on that stuff is seriously strung out and can't get off from it. If your on that stuff your still a junkie it's just legal.
If your on that stuff your still a junkie it's just legal.

That and you're able to live a productive life, not breaking into people's houses, stealing their TVs, getting HIV/hepatitis.
Why would I waste my time? You're choosing to believe something from what you're supposedly calling a conflict. Meaning you apparently don't require the resolution of fact to form your opinions.

What? I'm asking for more facts so I can form a more informed opinion.
I'm not taking this personally at all, or trying to be insincere or insulting.
Please, give me a study. I'm not challenging you, I'm interested.

I know a lot of people who use "home remedies" for things, and swear by them. That doesn't mean I'm going to copy them until I see real evidence.

You claimed we'd be in a similar situation as we are to opioids in a couple years. Setting the discussion of benefits aside, there's no rational argument for marijuana causing the death toll or medical cost that opioids do.

As I said before, I did not mean to imply that MJ would cause as many deaths. I could have worded my original post better.

My point is, I think a lot of people will ask for this, and be prescribed it. Years later they will find out they are worse off than they were. They will blame doctors, who will blame the MJ companies. In reality, its everyone's fault for pushing for a drug that does not have strong evidence behind it.

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