A question for GSP haters : Where do you rank him in your personal GOAT list ?


Oct 27, 2018
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Please be specific and tell the reason why you rank him that low . Thanks .
There could be only one GOAT - Jon Jones.
So GSP is not ranked.
He is like Artem or Sijara Eubanks in that regard
P4P or at 170?

I’m not a hater, I just like clarity of topic, and to see people talking about the same thing when they debate (instead of talking past each other without even knowing it, as happens so often around here).

And I do think he’s the 170 GOAT.
It's kind of difficult to explain. When I see a fighter like Fedor or Jon Jones, I somehow see greatness (for lack of a better word). It's like those guys are able to elevate themselves to a level above the competition. Anderson Silva also had a period where he had this strange aura of invincibility, but that period felt shorter and didn't come as early in his career as it did for Fedor and Jon Jones.

I never saw this in GSP.
For me he is #1 because he has never pissed hot like Anderson or Jones and his skill-set is more rounded (IMO) than Fedor.

Come at me brah!

{edit} Sorry, I didn't realise this was a haters thread. Silly me. Can you direct me to Nuthuggers Lane.
It's kind of difficult to explain. When I see a fighter like Fedor or Jon Jones, I somehow see greatness (for lack of a better word). It's like those guys are able to elevate themselves to a level above the competition. Anderson Silva also had a period where he had this strange aura of invincibility, but that period felt shorter and didn't come as early in his career as it did for Fedor and Jon Jones.

I never saw this in GSP.
It’s interesting, when you judge by your gut it’s true that JJ’s worst win (v OSP) was by most standards somewhere between controlling and dominating, and many fans look down on him for it.

And that win was more like GSPs career than any other.

But that’s why folks try to quantify these things, so that we don’t follow our gut. Because it’s so fallible.

I’m not arguing with you or with TS, I’m just verbally wanking. Trying to find my own confirmation biases while I’m at it. Cheers.
GOAT lists are shit. Just like who you like and be done with it.

GSP fanbois contort themselves over these bogus analytics precisely because they can't point to a highlight reel in the same universe as others.
He's number 3


That's the order boys

Change my mind
No failed tests Goat List
I think we need to also define what a hater is. I think it is possible to not find an athlete enjoyable to watch but still be impressed with their accomplishments. Lots of people said the great Spurs teams were boring or had great fundamentals (I guess another way of saying boring), but they were still universally respected.
Are you retarded?

Why would any gsp haters have him on their goat list
There shouldn't be a GOAT list as it diminishes the significance of the "greatest" of all time.

GSP had a good run during his time. Solid fighter. Arguably could have been on PEDs, annoyingly seeks attention and cherry picks under the delusion that it helps his legacy.

Woodley is quickly building a case for being the better welterweight if he hasnt done so already.

And the one true GOAT is Jones.
I think we need to also define what a hater is. I think it is possible to not find an athlete enjoyable to watch but still be impressed with their accomplishments. Lots of people said the great Spurs teams were boring or had great fundamentals (I guess another way of saying boring), but they were still universally respected.
Someone finding him boring and being a hater are two completely different things
As a fan of GSP, I rate him in the solid top 5

If we're rating fighters based off of their achievements the list goes

1. Jon Jones

2. Anderson

3. Fedor

4. GSP
People have different criteria in terms of what they value in a fighter. I'm not a GSP hater by any means. He is the best WW of all time imo. Overall though I rank Fedor, Big Nog, Saku, BJ, Hendo, and a few others ahead of him on the all-time list based on their accomplishments, fighting at any weight, and how they beat their opponents. Drug test issues also play a role but that can be tricky.

It just comes down to what you value in a fighter. I have no problem with anyone who wants to put GSP at #1 if he meets their criteria for the best ever.