Crime A teenage boy was forced to have a sex reassignment surgery and raped and abused for years in india

Different animals need different things.
Yes and we need less protein than most that's why human breast milk has some of the lowest protein levels of any mammal.

We evolved as plant eaters , we can only eat meat because we cook it , that of course helped us thrive as a species but it isn't necessary for humans to eat meat and it isn't optimal for health and longevity.
lol at comparing a cow's digestive track to a humans...

God, the mental gymnastics Vegans perform...

If you want to be vegan for moral reasons, go for it... but just gtfo here with the vegan diet being superior nutritionally than a balanced diet. If you're having to supplement your diet with processed chemicals to make up for the deficiencies in your diet... well. There you go.
I'm not a vegan and morality has nothing to do with my position , research does .
We have nuts daily , I make a tofu crumble to replace a ground beef replacement which I use to make a Wicked chili , spaghetti , Sheppard's pie and my sons favourite , tacos , also vegetables like patatoes , broccoli and avacado are pretty high in protein , it's not hard

There is a great resource called cronometer that will track your nutrient intake to make sure you are getting what's required

We also aren't strict vegans , we probably have a serving of meat once a week .

Thanks for the link
The country as a whole? There are 1.3 billion people in India. What exactly are you basing that on?

And what is your "protein deficiencies in men can cause strange aggression" claim based on?

My guess is nothing, since you are notorious for making shit up.
He won't even attempt to back up his position , at least not intelligently.
well, if your culture has this many rapes and women can't go take a piss without getting raped maybe it is something with your culture that is fucked up. And all culture comes from belief systems....
Do you have any concept of how old Indian culture is or how successful it has been for many thousands of years ?
i think the following theory explains where indian society is heading. india is overpopulated with a weak state and institutions. in other words a failed state

Overpopulation and Aggression

"In 1968, John B. Calhoun ran an experiment with mice related to population growth and density. He introduced 4 pairs of mice into a mouse Utopia. They had all the food and water they could want, plenty of nesting boxes and materials, no predators, etc. The only limit was the size (9×9 feet) of their “universe”. The mice did what mice couples do and the population grew rapidly. In about 10 months, the “universe” had a few more than 600 mice. Shortly thereafter, Calhoun witnessed a breakdown in their social structure … including increased aggression in some, increased passivity in others, lack of care for young, and a complete cessation of reproduction. These behavior changes were permanent. In a utopian universe, the mouse colony died. Calhoun concluded that “when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.” He saw the fate of his mice as a potential fate for us."

why doesn't the same theory apply to china? because china has a centralised state and an ability to improve the situation of its citizens rapidly. if also has the ability to enforce law and order. if it didn't it would be as chaotic as india
why doesn't the same theory apply to china? because china has a centralised state and an ability to improve the situation of its citizens rapidly. if also has the ability to enforce law and order. if it didn't it would be as chaotic as india

China is 3 times the size of India. China doesn't have a caste system and the generational dysfunction that comes with such a soul destroying institution. China is like 96% Han, whereas India is made of a zillion different ethnicities, with none being the vast majority. The northern part of the Indian Subcontinent has been invaded and raped countless times. Rape culture is entrenched. India is the epitomy of a low trust society.

China does have some major societal sociopathy, like lack of empathy for strangers and selfishness. This is one of the reasons Chinese tourits have a bad reputation, being considered rude, exploiting generosity and showing no consideration for others. In mainland China, public restrooms stopped providing toilet paper because people kept stealing them. When a public park allowed people to come and view the lotuses, the people took all the flowers, forcing the park to shut down.

Chinese eco park forced to stay shut after tourists strip away all its lotus flowers

Sichuan attraction was due to reopen for the summer but managers decided there was no point after it was stripped bare of its most celebrated feature

Some Taiwanese videographers did an experiment in the mainland to see if any member of the public would go to the aid of a child or woman being kidnapped. They carried out mock kidnapping in public, but almost no member of public went to the aid of the victims. Because no one cares about others.
Do you have any concept of how old Indian culture is or how successful it has been for many thousands of years ?

And what the fuck does that even mean? Just because a culture is successful there is nothing wrong with it?
India seems into this kind of horror stories damn
China is 3 times the size of India. China doesn't have a caste system and the generational dysfunction that comes with such a soul destroying institution. China is like 96% Han, whereas India is made of a zillion different ethnicities, with none being the vast majority. The northern part of the Indian Subcontinent has been invaded and raped countless times. Rape culture is entrenched. India is the epitomy of a low trust society.

China does have some major societal sociopathy, like lack of empathy for strangers and selfishness. This is one of the reasons Chinese tourits have a bad reputation, being considered rude, exploiting generosity and showing no consideration for others. In mainland China, public restrooms stopped providing toilet paper because people kept stealing them. When a public park allowed people to come and view the lotuses, the people took all the flowers, forcing the park to shut down.

Chinese eco park forced to stay shut after tourists strip away all its lotus flowers

Sichuan attraction was due to reopen for the summer but managers decided there was no point after it was stripped bare of its most celebrated feature

Some Taiwanese videographers did an experiment in the mainland to see if any member of the public would go to the aid of a child or woman being kidnapped. They carried out mock kidnapping in public, but almost no member of public went to the aid of the victims. Because no one cares about others.

you bring up some valid points. it does makes sense
And what the fuck does that even mean? Just because a culture is successful there is nothing wrong with it?
Every culture has flaws , humans can be awful , what is your point ?
Every culture has flaws , humans can be awful , what is your point ?

My point was that maybe all this crazy rapey shit is part of that culture or an outgrowth of that culture.

Another fruit of their culture is this:
Anti-Christian violence in India is religiously-motivated violence against Christians in India.[1] Violence against Christians has been seen by the organization Human Rights Watch as a tactic used to meet political ends.[1] The acts of violence include arson of churches, conversion of Christians by force and threats of physical violence, sexual assaults, murder of Christian priests and destruction of Christian schools, colleges, and cemeteries.[2][1]
In August 2017, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) ranked India’s persecution severity at “Tier 2” along with Iraq and Afghanistan.[3] Over the past seven years, India has risen from No. 31 to No. 10 on Open Doors' World Watch List, ranking just behind Iran in persecution severity.[4][5]
As of 2020, USCIRF placed India as Tier-1 in minority persecution along with countries like China, North Korea, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

So yes, we could be simpletons and say "Every culture has flaws"...but we could say a flaw could be a crack in the wall and a wall smashed the fuck in by sledgehammers.

If your people are doing shit things like this on a large scale, YOUR CULTURE SUCKS ASS (from a 1st world POV)
Did anyone expect anything else from India? Women are raped and killed daily. Poor are treated like garbage. But there’s racism amongst the poor too. Their fucked up cast system. Poor brahmins will mistreat a poor dalit, but will lick a rich dalits ass. Fucked up country.
Its like a dystopian film created a by a depraved sociopath.
The crazy part is that i think to remember in the 80/90s when i was kid people being all hippie about India and telling how incredible was that a such shithole poor nation was peaceful and safe for people to go travel

If that's true, i wonder what happened to have such transformation, personally i admit i don't know anything about India aside SF Dhalsim and cool animals lol
Curious about it if anybody want do short recap