Social AC Slater/Mario Lopez under fire for criticizing parents of Transgender toddlers

There's no such thing as a transgender toddler. That is child abuse, plain and simple.
There's no such thing as a transgender toddler. That is child abuse, plain and simple.
Reminds me of the Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.

Like that Gypsy Rose girl "The Act" was written about. Parents convincing themselves and their kid something is true when it's not and forcing them to live a certain way because of it.

I dunno tho AC had some suspect moments himself in his prime...

Of all the kids in all of Africa, Charlize Theron manages to adopt one who turns out to be transgender. What an amazing coincidence.
Wont be long til Charlize gets busted for forcibly warping them boys minds.

Soon as they are old enough to cry for help.

Busted? Yea as soon as anti vax, orthodox Jews, evangelical Christian's, sharia muslims and scientology parents are busted too
I don’t give a shit what anyone in Hollywood thinks, even if I agree with them.
Feel bad for these celeb kids but damn in 20 years their inevitable downfalls from having such fucked up parents will be interesting TV
How is that different then prior generations?
How is that different then prior generations?
after generations of these Hollywood types constantly trying to one-up each other by being more progressive they are only getting more radical and more weird
after generations of these Hollywood types constantly trying to one-up each other by being more progressive they are only getting more radical and more weird
Celebrity kids have been weird and commuting suicide since Hollywood existed
Celebrity kids have been weird and commuting suicide since Hollywood existed
We can agree to disagree if you want. I see things with them only getting worse. Kids being named apple, north west. Trans kids...etc
I noticed my daughter playing toy guns with her friends in the back yard early Saturday morning.(her strafing ability was so crisp and her shot placement so fluid)
Monday we signed her up for Delta Force.
True Story
I would assume someone who is pro lgbtqanon would have sympathy or empathy for a mother in this position.
He is talking about three year olds.

I bet he didn’t know (he isn’t gay, btw) he liked sucking sick when he was three!

He is gay so he should support sexchanges for three year olds?

I was just reading through a few twitter posts on this. It is very clear who has had kids (like Lopez) and who is a fucking indoctrinated idiot.
We can agree to disagree if you want. I see things with them only getting worse. Kids being named apple, north west. Trans kids...etc
As opposed to a kid named River Phoenix ? And his sisters rain, summer and liberty? You're being dense here , hippy liberal parents is nothing new. Hollywood and social media have simply made it more visible
It's fucking hilarious how the media paints Lopez as the crazy one, and not the parents letting their little children make life altering decisions.

no $hit.

Mario Lopez is the one "out of line." LOL. apparently calling out aberrant behavior and potential child abuse is "crazy."
Ok, I went back re-read what Lopez said.

is anything he said really out of line? he makes perfect sense. and he did it in a very civil manner.

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