Television AHSOKA Live-ActionSeries (Premieres Aug. 23, 2023)

Good thing your not a mod. I stated why I didnt like some of the characters but obviously you dont agree. You shouldnt have to watch a childrens show to understand whats going on. If you think saying people have a low standard is an insult, you need to be actually insulted more.

"If you think saying people have a low standard is an insult, you need to be actually insulted more."


"You have shitty taste but hey I'm not insulting you I'm just making an observation!"

If someone said you had low standards for women would you consider that an insult?

That being said I remember watching reviews before the show came out saying it was going to be divisive because knowing the shows backstory was key to how much you enjoyed it. But needing backstory to enjoy something doesn't make something crap. A lot of franchise stuff requires background knowledge to fully enjoy.
"If you think saying people have a low standard is an insult, you need to be actually insulted more."


"You have shitty taste but hey I'm not insulting you I'm just making an observation!"

If someone said you had low standards for women would you consider that an insult?

That being said I remember watching reviews before the show came out saying it was going to be divisive because knowing the shows backstory was key to how much you enjoyed it. But needing backstory to enjoy something doesn't make something crap. A lot of franchise stuff requires background knowledge to fully enjoy.
Not really no. Its observing that someones standards are lower than mine. Again, if you think thats an insult you need to be insulted more. If I said a womans standards were low because she bangs 3's, that would be an insult.
Man you guys have low standards here. I finally finished this show and it was laughably bad. The corny as hell witches, what the hell was that? Sabine is one of the worst characters ever. Baylan was tight and all he did was walk around the whole show except the beginning and end. Ahsoka is just kinda there the whole show. Thrawn looked like data from star trek that went emo. The ezra scenes were ok i will admit that. I also thought andor was boring and I know im in the minority there. It was at least a lot better than this.

Lol at this being "insulting."


I'm in between the SW apologists and the Disney bashers. If the writing is mediocre I'll call it but I also appreciate a good SW cheese-fest, both of which apply here. I agree with some of your takes but witches were great. They were spot on with the Clone Wars version and still cool even if you hadn't seen that. So witches, Baylan, Shin and Thrawn were very solid IMO. Although the director should have told Lars Mikkelsen to stop with the GSP Kyukushin deep breathing exercises in every scene.


Force deity concept was introduced well and world between worlds will be required to retcon the ST, which is what we all want.

Power ranger fart gas guy sucked. Morgan Elsbeth was set up well but her ending sucked ass. Even if she comes back, she's in Moff Gideon territory and can't be taken seriously because she's taken too many Ls and her final form was still weak AF.


Agree Ahsoka herself was boring. She had some good scenes but didn't have any SW main card fight-worthy moments other than beating up cans and losing to Baylan twice. I'm mixed on Sabine. She's the Hot Rod/Rodimus of this series and they're trying to make her the new Luke when we just want to see Ahsoka/Optimus beat some ass. And Ezra spent the last 10 years subsisting on turtle poop in a desert wasteland being hunted by bandits but he's a vegan soy boy? He should be grizzled AF now. Hera sucked. Huyang was great.

I thought this series was really getting its shit together in the middle episodes but they left too many loose ends to tie up at the end (which many of us called) and the finale fell flat as a mishmash of rushed bullshit. But they got Thrawn back and set up big things to come, which was the point of the series so that's a hit. Despite all the misses, I rate it higher than BOBF and OWK due to some well done scenes, cool new characters and the usable lore from CW and Rebels that's now been made canon in live action. Hopefully the Mando series runs with all of this and does it better.
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Good thing your not a mod. I stated why I didnt like some of the characters but obviously you dont agree. You shouldnt have to watch a childrens show to understand whats going on. If you think saying people have a low standard is an insult, you need to be actually insulted more.
All right then, I'm insulted more.

This dude's vids are consistently A+ content.

Every single action film ever... has things you can look at & mock for their invalidity, however, if we're to enjoy ANYTHING... we need to overlook a few things along the way. It's fine to point them out, but that doesn't equate to a full on condescending video that also twists valid facts in an attempt to gather his audience. (he twists a lot of valid points)

That guy is clickbait. I do however enjoy the way he does it more than the other click-bait haters dispite a ton of holes in his commentary. At least he's entertaining, but it's not what I would call "valid content."

Screencrush is the best commentator imo by far. He points out teh little stuff while celebrating teh wins. It's fair. He also points out in detail a lot of easter eggs we might had overlooked.

Power ranger fart gas guy sucked
Full on disagree.

You can double check teh timeline from that episode here on teh dog... but if you recall, I actually called him turning into a green mist before that reveal. I thought it was Maul, but that's speculation that might still be valid... however, teh fact it was a green mist is cool as fook imo whomever it is because it shows teh power of teh night sisters & Dathomir as a force sensitive planet in itself which enhanses the powers of anyone who stands upon it... much less spends time understanding the power & then learning to manipulate it. This is all very valid & I almost had an orgasm when teh green mist came out after I called it.

Ahsoka herself was boring. She had some good scenes but didn't have any SW main card fight-worthy moments
Baylon & Ahsoka had a helluvalot of saber content in their minds, as represented by their movements which when understood, do equate to a couple of masters knowing what the other is doing just by their reactions. This is ninja shit that should not be underestimated.

It remindz me of one of my favorite kung fu scenes where Jet mother fooking Li fought none other than Donnie mother fooking Yen in a battle that only existed in their minds. Me bro is playing teh song of spirit~

Dis Playeh is my fookin spirit animal~ :cool:

Dis what Ahsoka & Baylon were doing in their confrontationz.


I thought this series was really getting its shit together in the middle episodes but they left too many loose ends to tie up at the end (which many of us called) and the finale fell flat as a mishmash of rushed bullshit. But they got Thrawn back and set up big things to come, which was the point of the series so that's a hit.
I mean... that's the goal. We can nitpick all this unrealistic stuff that every single action film ever has in its content, or we can just understand that there's going to be some issues in that regard & just look to try and enjoy it.

Anywayz... I enjoyed it. I'm not trying to change anyone else, but if you read my commentary & get just a little bit more appreciation for things then that's time well spent.

Just watch the clone wars...
Killing enemies that surrenders on the regular.
Killing enemies that raise their arms giving up.
War criminals...

Ashoka as a teen, running around in a tube top and mini skirt calling older men "maaaaster"..
As soon as she leave the Jedis she is suddenly dressed in long pants and shirt covering up..
Jedis like the girls young and showing of their bodies.
Also like to train them in the basement.. And wanting to show them "the force" pretty sure that means penis
Sex cult

How anybody can be a fan is beyond me
Just watch the clone wars...
Killing enemies that surrenders on the regular.
Killing enemies that raise their arms giving up.
War criminals...

Ashoka as a teen, running around in a tube top and mini skirt calling older men "maaaaster"..
As soon as she leave the Jedis she is suddenly dressed in long pants and shirt covering up..
Jedis like the girls young and showing of their bodies.
Also like to train them in the basement.. And wanting to show them "the force" pretty sure that means penis
Sex cult

How anybody can be a fan is beyond me
Ashoka as a teen, running around in a tube top and mini skirt calling older men "maaaaster"..
As soon as she leave the Jedis she is suddenly dressed in long pants and shirt covering up..
Jedis like the girls young and showing of their bodies.
Also like to train them in the basement.. And wanting to show them "the force" pretty sure that means penis
Sex cult

How anybody can be a fan is beyond me

This gives a whole new spin to mastery of "the Force."



Its not.
Just watch the shit.
They do kill surrendering and at time unarmed enemies.
Ashoka does change from miniskirt and small top to pants and shirt when leaving the Jedis..
In other words POS and perves that prey on young girls.
But then again its Disney... we all know what happened to a lot of the young kids "Disney stars" ......
I am not surprised.
Full on disagree.

You can double check teh timeline from that episode here on teh dog... but if you recall, I actually called him turning into a green mist before that reveal. I thought it was Maul, but that's speculation that might still be valid... however, teh fact it was a green mist is cool as fook imo whomever it is because it shows teh power of teh night sisters & Dathomir as a force sensitive planet in itself which enhanses the powers of anyone who stands upon it... much less spends time understanding the power & then learning to manipulate it. This is all very valid & I almost had an orgasm when teh green mist came out after I called it.

Baylon & Ahsoka had a helluvalot of saber content in their minds, as represented by their movements which when understood, do equate to a couple of masters knowing what the other is doing just by their reactions. This is ninja shit that should not be underestimated.

It remindz me of one of my favorite kung fu scenes where Jet mother fooking Li fought none other than Donnie mother fooking Yen in a battle that only existed in their minds. Me bro is playing teh song of spirit~

Dis Playeh is my fookin spirit animal~ :cool:

Dis what Ahsoka & Baylon were doing in their confrontationz.


I mean... that's the goal. We can nitpick all this unrealistic stuff that every single action film ever has in its content, or we can just understand that there's going to be some issues in that regard & just look to try and enjoy it.

Anywayz... I enjoyed it. I'm not trying to change anyone else, but if you read my commentary & get just a little bit more appreciation for things then that's time well spent.

Fart gas guy COULD have been cool but is an example of them dropping the ball on execution. He never did anything of significance, was a background NPC and then just died. If random can stormtroopers can be brought back with witchcraft, why wasn't he? He was implied to be more than a match for Sabine and could have delayed Ahsoka again just as Elsbeth did. And Elsbeth's "gift of shadows" was dogshit. She gets the sword of fookin' Mother Talzin and is implied to have leveled up. But no. She still sucked.

Rosario deserves some criticism for looking comparatively slow and uncoordinated in her swordplay compared to Hayden and Baylan. But I can overlook that because there are always shortcomings in live action. The issue I have is they wrote her with a lugubrious "too old for this shit" demeanor, and that only works if you occasionally re-affirm you're still a main event badass. Other than recovering the map contested by cans, defeating a guy made of fart gas (can), Elsbeth (can) and some stormtroopers (reanimated cans), she took nothing but Ls in her own series. They put Sabine front and center as the main protagonist even though it wasn't earned, much less being gifted mastery of "the Force" despite being the Amelia Bedelia of padawans. It felt like numbnutz Hot Rod ending up with the Autobot matrix of leadership.
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Fart gas guy COULD have been cool but is an example of them dropping the ball on execution. He never did anything of significance, was a background NPC and then just died. If random can stormtroopers can be brought back with witchcraft, why wasn't he? He was implied to be more than a match for Sabine and could have delayed Ahsoka again just as Elsbeth did. And Elsbeth's "gift of shadows" was bullshit. She gets the sword of fookin' Mother Talzin and is implied to have leveled up. But no. She still sucked.

Rosario deserves some criticism for looking comparatively slow and uncoordinated in her swordplay compared to Hayden and Baylan. But I can overlook that because there are always shortcomings in live action. The issue I have is they wrote her with a lugubrious "too old for this shit" demeanor, and that only works if you occasionally re-affirm that you're still a main event badass. Other than recovering the map contested by cans, defeating fart gas guy (can), Elsbeth (can) and some stormtroopers (reanimated cans), she took nothing but Ls in her own series. They put Sabine front and center as the main protagonist even though it wasn't earned, much less being gifted mastery of "the Force" despite being the Amelia Bedelia of padawans. It felt like Hot Rod undeservedly ending up with the Autobot matrix of leadership.

If you look at Ashokas fighting from animation it's not really possible to translate that to live action without the use of CGI(which they clearly do not want to use). Too much flipping and acrobatics like Yoda. Ashokas swordplay was always going to be bad as a result. I'm just happy for example the Sidious swordfight happened before Disney took over because they'd have butchered it really bad.

You got the Amelia Bedelia thing stuck in my head now. Can picture Sabine trying to recruit an army when shes told to "use the force".

I have a feeling they wanted to get the secondary villians out of the way so in subsequent seasons it just the good guys v Thrawn. The nightsisters I think are mainly there to provide Thrawn supernatural buffs he'll need to compete with a group of protagonists who have powers.
Just watch the clone wars...
Killing enemies that surrenders on the regular.
Killing enemies that raise their arms giving up.
War criminals...

Ashoka as a teen, running around in a tube top and mini skirt calling older men "maaaaster"..
As soon as she leave the Jedis she is suddenly dressed in long pants and shirt covering up..
Jedis like the girls young and showing of their bodies.
Also like to train them in the basement.. And wanting to show them "the force" pretty sure that means penis
Sex cult

How anybody can be a fan is beyond me

I'm a fan...

Of the Empire that destroyed them all.
The issue I have is they wrote her with a lugubrious "too old for this shit" demeanor, and that only works if you occasionally re-affirm that you're still a main event badass.

The beautiful coming of age story she went through to become Ahsoka teh white changed her life & she waz reborn. Beating your own demons might perhaps be anyone's greatest victory.

My eyez turned red with Anakin and Ahsoka'z & then I decided that wasn't living... & I wanna live!!!

I meditated by Oogway'z Peach Tree & emerged reborn as @Myrddin Willt teh White
If you look at Ashokas fighting from animation it's not really possible to translate that to live action without the use of CGI(which they clearly do not want to use). Too much flipping and acrobatics like Yoda. Ashokas swordplay was always going to be bad as a result. I'm just happy for example the Sidious swordfight happened before Disney took over because they'd have butchered it really bad.

Agreed. I'm OK with Rosario's scenes but she did look noticeably less athletic than Anakin and Baylan. Also too much melodramatic posing. But it's understandable she wouldn't fight the same at 45 as when she was a teenager. Kind of like an elite female gymnast being more agile and flippy at 14 than in her 40's.

The nightsisters I think are mainly there to provide Thrawn supernatural buffs he'll need to compete with a group of protagonists who have powers.

Someone else pointed out and I agree, that Thrawn relied too much on the nightsisters. His appeal is supposed to be that he graduated from Derek Zoolander's school for kids who can read good and want to learn to do other stuff good too. Like he's so damn smart, he can rival force users using pure intellect alone. In this series, the nightsisters found him, brought him back, provided him with his (reanimated) stormtrooper army and found and tracked Ahsoka, all of which he would have been dead in the water without.

You got the Amelia Bedelia thing stuck in my head now. Can picture Sabine trying to recruit an army when shes told to "use the force".

Mrs. Tano: Sabenia Awrenia! I need you to draw on the power of the Force!
Sabenia Awrenia: Like this? [scribbles a happy face on the ship's battery]
Mrs. Tano: No Sabenia Awrenia! Align yourself with the light side!
Sabenia Awrenia: Like this? [joins a neo-nazi biker gang]
Mrs. Tano: Oh Sabenia Awrenia, you clueless nerfherder! You're fired!
Sabenia Awrenia: That reminds me! I forgot something in the oven! [runs off and comes back with a freshly baked nerfherder cream pie]
Mrs. Tano: Mmmm!!! You are still dangerous... but you can be my wingwoman anytime!
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