Elections Alabama Special Senate Election Live Results Thread

Back on topic of Roy Moore getting pwnt last night and how terrible a candidate he was.

@oleDirtyBast4rd a 12 y/o body maybe coming into maturity ( not fully sexually mature yet), but the mental aspects are not there. Children at that age are not ready to make decisions to support a child in this day and age. We certainly don't want childern that young trying to have jobs to support the needs of childern. Most people can see that. It really is a bad look to be trying to defend people who actively go after girls at such an age.

It was a different time then. As i already said and was very conveneiently ignored 2017 in california is a bit different. Also 16 is not a helpless child
There are outliers of course in regards to morality, but biology doesnt lie. Sexual maturity is sexual maturity. The fact you need to go to extremes to aid your argument is telling.

Tell me more about how 16 year olds haven't gone through puberty lol
You are off the deep end here , take a break and go for a long walk or some other activity that will allow you time to reflect.
There are outliers of course in regards to morality, but biology doesnt lie. Sexual maturity is sexual maturity. The fact you need to go to extremes to aid your argument is telling.

Tell me more about how 16 year olds haven't gone through puberty lol
Are you trying to rationalize fucking a 16 year old?
Guys please stop engaging this sicko. A mod has already advised the thread is derailing.

Don't get sucked into this gross troll's derailing. It's a common tactic used by these trolls that will result in dubz or worse. He would be happy to take a ban if he could get a bunch of other people dubbed or worse along with him.

Lol wtf. I call you idiots out for calling him a pedo but im trolling when attacked? Fuck off snowflake
Federal consent laws disagree with you


Hey guys, he actually doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone surprised here?

Federal law makes it criminal to engage in a sexual act with another person who is between the age of 12 and 16 if they are at least four years younger than you.
11-16 year olds are children, yes. Having a period doesn't change that. The fact that the children you want to bang can be impregnated doesn't make you less of a degenerate pervert.

Actually it does. It has all throughout human history. Keep virtue signaling

Hey guys, he actually doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone surprised here?

Federal law makes it criminal to engage in a sexual act with another person who is between the age of 12 and 16 if they are at least four years younger than you.

So a 17 year old can fuck a 13 year old? That's still pretty gross.
Lol tell me more about how the body naturally produces work at a certain age

It produces the physical ability to work because you're strong and coordinated enough to perform certain physical tasks, just like the kids in Asia who make all our awesome shit.

Hey guys, he actually doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone surprised here?

Federal law makes it criminal to engage in a sexual act with another person who is between the age of 12 and 16 if they are at least four years younger than you.

16 is the cut off which is smart. You have to use caution when creating law
They weren't voting against Bannon, they were voting against Moore and his image. Trying to equate this loss as some sort of referendum on Bannon is ridiculous.
Bannon took a hit. He was down there stumping for Statutory Roy. He got a little too full of himself thinking he could stump Roy to a victory.
If Bannon was smart he would not invested any political capital in Statutory Roy and just sat it out. Now he is known as the guy who backed a creepy loser.

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