Alex Jones and the Alt-Right is starting to turn on trump.. The mental Gymnastics are amazing.

How could you not listen to Trump talk for 10 minutes and not understand he is a complete con? How did his diehards miss developing this skill to discriminate when they are being openly bullshitted?

You honestly can't just look at Trump, listen to the shit he spews in the obviously disingenuous way he says it, and not understand that this guy will be quick to utilize military force at the drop of a hat?

Sometimes you gotta take a chance with lesser of 2 evils especially when your other opitinons are crazy old socialists (who would've probably also crack under pressure n intervene in Syria, remember he supported intervantion in Kosovo) n bunch of neocons on the left n right.
His voters definitely got suckered.
I wish I could have sympathy.
Says one of the loudest mouths bleating the Trump being owned by Putin idiocy. Looks like that fairy-tale has been put to rest, so now you have to lull yourself into thinking the nonsense above. I knew all along, and have stated here before, that there is a very real chance he will not live up to expectations, I've never been under any illusion about how things are in DC. I stated clearly, and everybody else I know that supported Trump holds the same conviction, that if he fails to live up to what he campaigned on, it's denouncement time.
Difference is, we actually do denounce this and put the dude on notice, unlike all the leftoids that just continued to slobber all over Obama's nutsack after each campaign promise was broken.
Anyway, you should be glad this happened, wasn't it one of the pillars of HRC's campaign?
Sometimes you gotta take a chance with lesser of 2 evils especially when your other opitinons are crazy old socialists (who would've probably also crack under pressure n intervene in Syria, remember he supported intervantion in Kosovo) n bunch of neocons on the left n right.
It was supposed to be a race between JEB! and HRC. Really, it was supposed to be Clinton, but that's a minor detail.
I came in this thread for mental gymnastics.

*Leaves disappointed*
It was supposed to be a race between JEB! and HRC. Really, it was supposed to be Clinton, but that's a minor detail.

Yup establishment really thought they had it in the bag.

Regardless they've always find a way to have it their way.
Not sure why everyone is ragging on trump over this -- it was a very calculated and measured response; possibly one of the most mild options presented by the joint chiefs. Any president would've had to respond in a similar fashion and if it is a just a one off situation, then the US really isn't getting massively involved.

Out of all the Trump follies or initiatives -- this one is probably the most pragmatic of all. I know he tweeted contradictory statements but, no one can really know what their approach will be until they are in that situation room.

Also, no doubt the left is just as, if not more partisan than the right.
Says one of the loudest mouths bleating the Trump being owned by Putin idiocy. Looks like that fairy-tale has been put to rest, so now you have to lull yourself into thinking the nonsense above. I knew all along, and have stated here before, that there is a very real chance he will not live up to expectations, I've never been under any illusion about how things are in DC. I stated clearly, and everybody else I know that supported Trump holds the same conviction, that if he fails to live up to what he campaigned on, it's denouncement time.
Difference is, we actually do denounce this and put the dude on notice, unlike all the leftoids that just continued to slobber all over Obama's nutsack after each campaign promise was broken.
Anyway, you should be glad this happened, wasn't it one of the pillars of HRC's campaign?

Seriously don't get what these leftards are expecting?

Trump supporters to say yup we made a mistake n should've voted for Hillary the one promoting intervationism?
Seriously don't get what these leftards are expecting?

Trump supporters to say yup we made a mistake n should've voted for Hillary the one promoting intervationism?
Let's be honest; US politics is a sick joke. We've all been suckered and have been for some time now.
Every 2 / 4 / 8 years the same old script is recited and the same old cattle-minded populace tricks themselves into thinking they not only have a choice and a voice, but that they are participating in something great and noble.
For me, personally, this was a last fuck you to the establishment and doubletalking politicians before washing my hands of the whole farce known as politics in the USA.
And yet you guys supported Killary
At least the people who supported Killary were smart enough to know what they were getting.

You're the dunce who thought Trump could be trusted; who thought you understood him and how he would react to the information put to him with those (semi-)daily intelligence briefings and Situation Room advisements. A guy who-- to borrow a phrase-- had more positions per issue on the campaign trail than the Kama Sutra.

There's no refuge for you to retreat to. You were simple.
Seriously don't get what these leftards are expecting?

Trump supporters to say yup we made a mistake n should've voted for Hillary the one promoting intervationism?

Yep, we should have voted for Clinton, the person who stands for everything we are against. Completely fooled
At least the people who supported Killary were smart enough to know what they were getting.
eh, everything about Trump is an overreaction. Everyone knew they were gambling on Trump, and you guys are clearly jumping the gun. We're still not 100 days into his administration.
Seriously don't get what these leftards are expecting?

Trump supporters to say yup we made a mistake n should've voted for Hillary the one promoting intervationism?
Do you understand how politics work? You vote for the guy who says the things you believe in.
eh, everything about Trump is an overreaction. Everyone knew they were gambling on Trump, and you guys are clearly jumping the gun. We're still not 100 days into his administration.
Indeed, it's early, and your pride, like mine, is strong.

You'll break in time.
At least the people who supported Killary were smart enough to know what they were getting.

You're the dunce who thought Trump could be trusted; who thought you understood him and how he would react to the information put to him with those (semi-)daily intelligence briefings and Situation Room advisements. A guy who-- to borrow a phrase-- had more positions per issue on the campaign trail than the Kama Sutra.

There's no refuge for you to retreat to. You were simple.

So let me see if I understand this. Killary voters knew what they were getting and voted for it anyway...that somehow makes you smart?

"Yeah, I least I knew she would be terrible for the country when I voted for it. Haha!"

LOL, what the hell is wrong with you deranged people and your 3rd grade thinking level. With Killary we knew she would be shit. With Trump there was and still is a chance for him to be a great president. The choice was simple and nothing any Trump voter is going to "retreat" from.
Well it makes perfect sense, he literally just blew to smithereens the idea he's soft on the Russians.


Going to take more than a single airstrike on a single airbase (that Syrian planes were able to continue using just hours later!) to make me believe the Trump administration isn't Russia friendly.