Alex Jones is a joke

He will throw out every conspiracy theory like it's fact. So he says a lot of absolute bullshit

The thing is, sometimes conspiracy theories are right, meaning that occasionally he is the only one that is right about things

He's necessary imo
About as necessary as a broken clock
The Democrats fear Alex Jones, Obama and Clinton have both called him out by name. No need to call out a nut case unless you fear the power he has.

I don't think anyone fears Alex Jones, it looks like he'll take care of himself in one of his rants based on his pigment.

I think they'd just prefer he didn't earn his living by riling up all you deplorables with news stories that he imagines.
Wouldn't surprise me. One older poster here years ago said the guy was actually reasonable and a nice dude away from his rantings. My experience with him was the same, couldn't believe it's the same guy.

He's a snake oil salesmen and the Alt-Reich drinks snake oil by the gallon these days.
He will throw out every conspiracy theory like it's fact. So he says a lot of absolute bullshit

The thing is, sometimes conspiracy theories are right, meaning that occasionally he is the only one that is right about things

He's necessary imo

He is about as necessary as a broken clock, which at least consistently correct twice per day.

ED: Ahhh Higus beat me to it
The guy is nuttier than squirrel shit, but he is at least funny sometimes. Only seen some clips of him though. I won't wade through all his bs to find some rare nugget of truth though.
Why do so many people think this guy speaks the truth? As someone who has lived in China for many years I know for 100% certainty that he lies about China, it seems like his goal is to rile up Americans against Chinese. He claims that Chinese execute gay people. Complete bs since I know that there are plenty of gay people walking around China not in fear of their lives. In fact they are more afraid of revealing their gay in front of their parents in fear that they will bring them shame.

In every China video he repeats that China is a communist nation when in fact they are capitalist. Christmas is very popular over here as an example.

Don't forget this guy hated on Israel before and now he went 180 and is condemning Obama for the two-state Israel Palestine policy.

Does anyone else get irritated by this guy?

You're living in an alternative universe buddy.
He's a conspiracy theorist who sometimes gets it right and when it does...that's what people remember of him...they forget he has a lot of misguided theories
Well, he did predict Trump would win when all MSM said otherwise lol - maybe he isn't complete crazy?
When the whole MSM is a joke, don't be surprised if the loudest jester of them all becomes a star.
The Democrats fear Alex Jones, Obama and Clinton have both called him out by name. No need to call out a nut case unless you fear the power he has.
Look, the guy is a tard.
I don't care what side of the political spectrum you're on, the man is a fool's fool, and saying that you listen to him is tantamount to wearing a sign proclaiming the virtue of stupidity.
Don't mistake advocacy for punditry.

He wasn't just saying Trump was the better candidate - it was clear that he hated Hillary - but he was actually saying Trump was going to win. And that the MSM polls were inaccurate.
The Democrats fear Alex Jones, Obama and Clinton have both called him out by name. No need to call out a nut case unless you fear the power he has.
Alex is a nut, but sometimes he's right. That's what's scary.
aw someone insulted dear leader?


Look, the guy is a tard.
I don't care what side of the political spectrum you're on, the man is a fool's fool, and saying that you listen to him is tantamount to wearing a sign proclaiming the virtue of stupidity.

Why do the democrats feel the need to discredit someone who is already discredited? Because Infowars got them shook

Why do the democrats feel the need to discredit someone who is already discredited? Because Infowars got them shook

When somebody purporting to be reporting news continously lies they will continously be called out on thier BS. Jones is using his platform to attacknow innocent people.
He's a fuckin goof. His shenanigans and on-air meltdowns can be entertaining, but it's sad that some people actually take him serious. I guess I can't blame a guy for being successful at their gimmick though.