Elections Almost a third of Americans still believe the 2020 election result was fraudulent

Wait, Trump spoke at the rally and told his supporters to go over to the Capitol. So, your position is that Trump played right into “their” hands by showing up and telling his folks to go to Capitol?
If it was good, it was because of Trump. If it was bad, it was because of someone else.

This is the entire MAGA ethos. You don't need to know anything else because there's really nothing else to know.

Not a cult though.
Wait, Trump spoke at the rally and told his supporters to go over to the Capitol. So, your position is that Trump played right into “their” hands by showing up and telling his folks to go to Capitol?

I thought he was being sarcastic until his “I really believe this” which should have been my clue that he was being facetious. Almost no one says that unironically. I could be wrong though and it was said in all seriousness.
They didn’t need to fake Jan 6, Trump organized and promoted the rally.
hmm. Trump, allegedly stole the win from Hillary, so if that's true, he does know how to put something together.

And that, oh my god, so scary, "insurrection" was the best he could do huh? He can secure a president seat then put that hilarious insurrection together?

Can you pussies stop with that insurrection silliness? It was odd, yeah, but it was "mostly peaceful." That was the most sorry insurrection I've ever seen/read about. Dont be scared of it homies.
hmm. Trump, allegedly stole the win from Hillary, so if that's true, he does know how to put something together.

And that, oh my god, so scary, "insurrection" was the best he could do huh? He can secure a president seat then put that hilarious insurrection together?

Can you pussies stop with that insurrection silliness? It was odd, yeah, but it was "mostly peaceful." That was the most sorry insurrection I've ever seen/read about. Dont be scared of it homies.
This is a bunch of BS. Yes, it was mostly peaceful, that's why a lot of Trump's lemmings got slaps on the wrist. I'm sure you don't call the arsonists during the BLM protests peaceful though just like the MAGA lemmings assaulting police weren't peaceful. Those guys are getting stiff sentences and they deserve it.
hmm. Trump, allegedly stole the win from Hillary, so if that's true, he does know how to put something together.

And that, oh my god, so scary, "insurrection" was the best he could do huh? He can secure a president seat then put that hilarious insurrection together?

Can you pussies stop with that insurrection silliness? It was odd, yeah, but it was "mostly peaceful." That was the most sorry insurrection I've ever seen/read about. Dont be scared of it homies.
"It was odd, yeah."


Dozens of them have received prison sentences longer than 5 years at this point. Some over ten years and iirc one guy got 18 years. Our criminal justice system is not perfect, for sure, but they don't generally hand out prison sentences like that for being "odd."
hmm. Trump, allegedly stole the win from Hillary, so if that's true, he does know how to put something together.

And that, oh my god, so scary, "insurrection" was the best he could do huh? He can secure a president seat then put that hilarious insurrection together?

Can you pussies stop with that insurrection silliness? It was odd, yeah, but it was "mostly peaceful." That was the most sorry insurrection I've ever seen/read about. Dont be scared of it homies.

How were 140 Capitol police injured in this mostly peaceful protest?
hmm. Trump, allegedly stole the win from Hillary, so if that's true, he does know how to put something together.

And that, oh my god, so scary, "insurrection" was the best he could do huh? He can secure a president seat then put that hilarious insurrection together?

Can you pussies stop with that insurrection silliness? It was odd, yeah, but it was "mostly peaceful." That was the most sorry insurrection I've ever seen/read about. Dont be scared of it homies.

You do realize people were convicted of seditious conspiracy right? What was the point of storming the capitol during the certification of the election on Jan 6?

Can you find a post where I said Trump stole the election from Hillary? Would you chuds stop these strawmans and deflections? The only pussy here is you.
How were 140 Capitol police injured in this mostly peaceful protest?

the same reason that 2000+ cops were injured during the fentanyl floyd looting insurrection extravanga that included beatings with rocks, bricks, and molatov cocktails was mostly peaceful?

More Than 2,000 Officers Injured in Summer's Protests and Riots​

More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the in-custody death of George Floyd, according to a report from the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

and never forget may 29!


The White House was on lockdown the night of May 29 in response to protests reaching the gates.[2] The protests began at 7:00 p.m. By 8:30 p.m., the White House lockdown was lifted as protesters began to leave. At 10:00 p.m., the protesters returned, however by 3:30 am Saturday the protesters were more subdued. The protesters came into conflict with the United States Secret Service. At one point the protesters were pepper sprayed.[3] Protesters reportedly threw "bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items"[4] as well as "rocks, urine and alcohol"[5] at Secret Service agents injuring over 60 of them, including 11 hospitalized and treated for non-life-threatening injuries.[6]

As a result of the protests, the Secret Service rushed President Donald Trump to shelter in the White House underground bunker, where he remained for almost one hour.[7][8] This occurred after some protesters crossed temporary barricades set up near the Treasury Department buildings. Around that time, the Secret Service alert level was raised to "red". The president's wife and son were also brought to the bunker.[9] Trump later falsely claimed that he had only gone to the bunker for an "inspection", and also claimed that he was in the bunker "for a tiny, little short period of time".[10][11] Attorney General William Barr later stated that the May 29 protests "were so bad that the Secret Service recommended that the President go down to the bunker".[12]

Trump responded to the White House protesters on Twitter, saying that if they had crossed the White House fence they would have been attacked by "the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons". He also stated that "many Secret Service agents [are] just waiting for action", and accused the protesters of being "professionally organized".[13]

The Secret Service reported that six people were arrested in Lafayette Square within President's Park, directly north of the White House. The Metropolitan Police Department and US Park Police were also on the scene.[14]
the same reason that 2000+ cops were injured during the fentanyl floyd looting insurrection extravanga that included beatings with rocks, bricks, and molatov cocktails was mostly peaceful?

More Than 2,000 Officers Injured in Summer's Protests and Riots​

More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the in-custody death of George Floyd, according to a report from the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

and never forget may 29!


The White House was on lockdown the night of May 29 in response to protests reaching the gates.[2] The protests began at 7:00 p.m. By 8:30 p.m., the White House lockdown was lifted as protesters began to leave. At 10:00 p.m., the protesters returned, however by 3:30 am Saturday the protesters were more subdued. The protesters came into conflict with the United States Secret Service. At one point the protesters were pepper sprayed.[3] Protesters reportedly threw "bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items"[4] as well as "rocks, urine and alcohol"[5] at Secret Service agents injuring over 60 of them, including 11 hospitalized and treated for non-life-threatening injuries.[6]

As a result of the protests, the Secret Service rushed President Donald Trump to shelter in the White House underground bunker, where he remained for almost one hour.[7][8] This occurred after some protesters crossed temporary barricades set up near the Treasury Department buildings. Around that time, the Secret Service alert level was raised to "red". The president's wife and son were also brought to the bunker.[9] Trump later falsely claimed that he had only gone to the bunker for an "inspection", and also claimed that he was in the bunker "for a tiny, little short period of time".[10][11] Attorney General William Barr later stated that the May 29 protests "were so bad that the Secret Service recommended that the President go down to the bunker".[12]

Trump responded to the White House protesters on Twitter, saying that if they had crossed the White House fence they would have been attacked by "the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons". He also stated that "many Secret Service agents [are] just waiting for action", and accused the protesters of being "professionally organized".[13]

The Secret Service reported that six people were arrested in Lafayette Square within President's Park, directly north of the White House. The Metropolitan Police Department and US Park Police were also on the scene.[14]

You do realize people were convicted of seditious conspiracy right? What was the point of storming the capitol during the certification of the election on Jan 6?

Can you find a post where I said Trump stole the election from Hillary? Would you chuds stop these strawmans and deflections? The only pussy here is you.
Oh yeah, I saw those convictions, none on trump, but jeepers, they really should cuz it was scary and there is nothing odd about how much "time" they were given. None at all.

I wasnt referring to you specifically when it came to hillary, btw.
Wait, Trump spoke at the rally and told his supporters to go over to the Capitol. So, your position is that Trump played right into “their” hands by showing up and telling his folks to go to Capitol?
There's no law against going to the capitol.
I've got to admit, this is probably the most clever the dems have been in decades. I wondered why they were so adamant about this "insurrection" nonsense, now we know.
There's no law against going to the capitol.
I've got to admit, this is probably the most clever the dems have been in decades. I wondered why they were so adamant about this "insurrection" nonsense, now we know.
I agree there is no law against going to the Capitol. The other poster seemed to take the position that it was the "Dems" who put on the Jan. 6th protest to embarrass Trump. I was trying to understand why Trump would show up and speak at a protest thrown by the "Dems." It would seem Trump speaking there would, at the very least, indicate it was HIS protest.

Ok, I'll bite. What is it you used to wonder, but " now we know" again??
I agree there is no law against going to the Capitol. The other poster seemed to take the position that it was the "Dems" who put on the Jan. 6th protest to embarrass Trump. I was trying to understand why Trump would show up and speak at a protest thrown by the "Dems." It would seem Trump speaking there would, at the very least, indicate it was HIS protest.

Ok, I'll bite. What is it you used to wonder, but " now we know" again??
I thought I was clear. I wondered why they were so insistent on calling this an "insurrection" and not a "mostly peaceful protest" or whatever the left calls any other protest. It was just a bunch of goobers trying to have a moment and it got out of control. There was no insurrection and certainly not one masterminded my Trump.