Americans: why is CM Punk famous?

Never heard of him before the ufc signed him. I pay attention to real fighters.
The real days where Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Macho man etc.

The attitude era was after them.

Attitude era was GOAT. Hulk Hogan was a terrible in ring performer and worse on the Mic than both Stone Cold and The Rock
He's famous because of 10 year old white kids.
Because he was sponsored by pepsi.
I obviously know it's because of his pro wrestling, but why was he "chosen" by the writers/producers to become champ? I only know the guy from UFC, and with all respect i see someone who:

- Is not athletic
- Doesn't have an impressive body (at all)
- Is a pretty boring speaker
- Has little charisma

So what was it? Gotta be something right?


Well you're wrong about being a boring speaker with no charisma, that's what he was most known for

Pretty sure he was the first guy to sell more merchandise than John Cena which is a big deal for the WWE
He was a very talented in ring performer and had great charisma in the John Cena era. Not great in the Attitude era. When he "went off script" it was a big deal and fresh. WWE has gone to complete shit since the real days of Stone Cold, The Rock etc. When John Cena is carrying your company a guy like CM Punk can be a star.
Thanks for the insight. I stopped watching WWE when the Rock left, and I was barely engaging in it during the time I "watched" WWE.

I've heard about Punks charisma, but he seems to have abandoned it when he transferred to the UFC. The humble approach works because no one would buy him as an MMA tough guy. He's a weekend Warriors at best.
Anyone who is a fan of prowrestling is either A. A child. Or B. Have the mind of a child. At least with today's product where pee wee herman and grumpy cat are guest hosting Monday night Raw. It used to be more "adult" but even I couldn't stick around after I turned 19 or so. I felt like I stayed a couple years too long. This was in 2003. When stone cold walked away. So did I. Then Rock went part time and made movies.

I missed the John cena era mostly. I remember his thuganomics gimmick barely. Remember Brock Lesnar, Batista and Randy Orton. They were like the new guard taking over. But they had classics like RIC flair and hulk Hogan back then too. They had a stacked roster back then. I think it'll stopped watching in 04

Cm punk pipebomb +

Google search cm punk podcast colt cobana..

Im not American but to my knowledge this is why cm punk is famous. The podcast is actually an interesting listen as punk comes across as a self entitled dick & hypocritical wanker since his "mma career" has developed.
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I obviously know it's because of his pro wrestling, but why was he "chosen" by the writers/producers to become champ? I only know the guy from UFC, and with all respect i see someone who:

- Is not athletic
- Doesn't have an impressive body (at all)
- Is a pretty boring speaker
- Has little charisma

So what was it? Gotta be something right?


He's not really famous at all he's just a pro wrassler.The average American has no idea who he is even after UFC and WWE stint.The logic behind who becomes champion and why simply boils down to fan perception,and interesting storylines.

Of course you have to have skills in ring but there have been excellent technical wrestlers who never amount to anything and guys with very little athletic skill who became champion and ultra popular.Pro wrasslin is soap operas with body slams it comes down to producers.

Cm punk is done......lets leave it that way.Dos caras that's a fucking fighter(I'm not even slightly kidding)
I asked this question to a wrestling enthusiast not long ago, and this is what he told me:

a) He was good and entertaining in the ring, had good charisma and was someone they could root for
2) He was small-ish, and not a muscle bound freak, with talent as a wrestler
iii) He wasn't known as the protege of the company or a hand-picked guy that would win the belts just because
four) He was the anti-John Cena

a, 2, iii, four...?
Not a pro wrestling guy (do respect them as great athletes, though) but I've read his popularity in that scene is through the roof but ,like I said, couldn't tell you why.

That was a useless post.I apologize.
There are also a lot of retarded poor people around the world that love soccer.


americans don't watch sports in which they cannot win.

we all understood this.

Not a good talker?

Please, at least attempt to learn about someone.
americans don't watch sports in which they cannot win.

we all understood this.

We send our low tier athletes into soccer

Understand we don't care. Rest of the world tries to care about basketball and gets blown the fuck out
Close bro but no cigar


Now these guys are pioneers!
Jesus Christ hulk hogan was never ever a young man. That's like 1990.