another "bjj for selfdefense?" thread. Get in here!

Weapons free environment, no firearms.

2 week is 8 hrs a day and then a weekend every 6 months re cert, plus on the job experience every day.

That with regular MA training is effective SD because you're training outside the sport mindset where the timing and intent is not clear.

U r selling a sense of peace of mind to students which is fine for 90% of the problems people face.

There's a whole other level outside the gym off the mat in professions that do this for a living.

Do you sell this service?

What does CF group stand for?
I hate that selfdefense bjj bullshido.
The shit just doen't work that well.
Don't tell me this is what you would do in a street fight (the judo throws and some guillotine defense are legit, but all the standing wrist locks are bullshido unless you are twice as big as the guy attacking you)

2 years ago, I was training at a gym where we were doing 30 minutes of self defense bjj every class and then ibjjf bjj with huge emphasis on the gi, no lower body attacks besides straight ankle locks, no neck cranks, nothing...

You wanna make bjj more realistic, then
1) start to drop the fucking gi. Some gi stuff can work in a streetfight but everything that works in nogi will work everywhere
2) start to allow everything aslong as it isn't striking. Just roll light during training to avoid injuries
3) if it still isn't enough for you, add some boxing, MT or even MMA to your bjj training.
BJJ is good versus one attacker if you're taken down. It saved me against a guy who weighed 265 lbs, while I was only 170 lbs, but he took me down and I caught him with an Omoplata he started screaming and crying, and before and during the fight he was like common, you are stupid I even kickboxed well but he was simply stronger, but when he took me down and tried to pound me out I kicked him to his right leg and attacked an Omoplata, which ended the fight. It is good martial art, but not good if you're attacked by multiple attackers.