Anybody actually knows whats happening to Canada?

He does go overboard on this subject, but he was right there.

Imagine an asshole in a car, parking in front of your house, honking his horns hours a day for weeks. I would beat the shit out of him.

I was pro-Truckers at the beginning. Even if I took the jab I felt the authorities were going too far and I was happy to see a pushback. Then they acted like assholes. They intimidated citizens. They even pissed on a Vet memorial. They lost a lot of support after that.

And they disrespected the Terry Fox statues. Fuck those guys.
Yup. Zero scandals, invested heavily in Canada, balanced the budget etc. Etc. Etc.

Fucking loser traitor. We don't need that around Canada!
When Trump forced a re-opening of the NAFTA negotiations, Harper opened his yap and attempted to undermine the Canadian negotiating position. For what reason, hm? Piece of shit.
Free Pickton!

He butchered those women in self defense and just wants to get home to his family of pigs

with the price of feed and produce these days i'm sure he'll be back on the farm feeding a bunch of dead vegans to his pigs.
Our PM and govt are totalitarian. PM stated he admires the ChiComs. Our govt tried to ban damn near all firearms. Our govt controls speech.Created public sector programs to take over daycares, dental care, pharmacare. And so on.
the cult flag on the right is great though, right?

Yup, they draped him in a Canada Flag cape and put a hockey stick in his hand. Animals!

They used his statue to support their own cause in an appropriation of his legacy.

He would never have supported these morons.