Are you happy with your life?

some parts yes, but some parts no. but hey im still upright and brteathing so i cant complain.

You can always complain, but people probably won't listen to you. I'm old so complaining is a big part of my life.
My life is good although it would be much better if Cali would figure out some decent weed laws
Overall yes.
I have a great family and a good job. Exercise and cod liver oil helps.

I do feel a mid life crisis forming though. Turned old this year (40). I think I need to switch things up big time soon. Just not sure what that may entail.
No not happy. Besides parents, siblings and two close friend I feel like I'm by myself. Lonely, but it's my own doing. Fear of missing out on something better has caused me to not commit to any relationships.
No not happy. Besides parents, siblings and two close friend I feel like I'm by myself. Lonely, but it's my own doing. Fear of missing out on something better has caused me to not commit to any relationships.
Been there. Funny thing is you'll miss the single life once you commit. Human desire is a cruel bitch
I'm happy with my wife, kids and closest group of friends. I'm happy with my house, which is near a forest and the karate dojo I train at.

Work is often frustrating as I'm forced to cooporate with people who are negative and untalented a bit too often for my liking. On the other hand I've got a great relationship with management, and my students (I teach highschool/university) tend to love me. But I'm missing that one, good work-buddy to have fun with during the day.

So overall, yeah, I've got much to be thankful for. The trick is focusing on those things and not on the guy who said something that pissed you off at lunch.
I'm somewhere between meh and decent enough

Honestly the better things get the more guilty I feel and the worse they get the more motivated and badass I become and right now I'm in some weird middle ground
No, I am not happy. I want to be swimming in big chested, big azzed babes, but I am not.

:D No shit! Wouldn't we all? Specially Scarlett Johansson, but I think we are talking long term here...


I do feel a mid life crisis forming though. Turned old this year (40). I think I need to switch things up big time soon. Just not sure what that may entail.

Ok, 40 is not old. No, when you hit 50 than you will start your midlife crisis. You'll be buying expensive cars and spending a fortune on beautiful 25 year old escorts. May I recommend starting a Scarlett Johansson underwear collection? It is a unique item. Hard to find and very expensive. Your friends will love you for it. Is that her in your avatar?


Fear of missing out on something better has caused me to not commit to any relationships.

Ok, I'll tell you right now there is nothing better out there. Go with what you have or what you can get. Do I need to send you 'The Man in the Arena' quote? Here is a small part of it:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena....who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
I just got a smart doorbell so I can see who's at the door on my phone and talk to em. Even if I'm at work! I'm getting kittens for Christmas! Life is sweet!
Not right now, no. I have had a long lingering injury that has kept me from being too physically active and it's driving me crazy. Just found out it could be a few more months before it heals. If it doesn't, then it's surgery.

Hanging out with ScarJo would go a long way to helping that problem, though.
No major complaints. Things are good but could always be better.
from the looks of this thread, giant cult suicide in mayberry LOOMS
Nope. I want better health. Short of becoming a millionaire and paying doctors to wait on me hand and foot not sure what else I can do. My middle class physicians haven't done shit.
Happiness isn't a goal, it isn't achieved when you get that job, car, house, partner etc. Happiness is a state of mind, and it can be achieved at any time with the right perception, and mindset.

With that being said I'm happy most of the time, I'm grateful with where I'm at, but I can always do better.
I have some great things going on in my life, some parts are a work in progress. I take full responsibility for it all which for better or for worse keeps me on track.
Fuck yes I'm happy with my life. It isn't perfect, but I have a great wife, 3 awesome kids, a good job, nice house, a cottage, 2 reliable cars and good friends. I'll never be rich but I cant imagine needing anything for happiness that I don't already have. Don't get me wrong, wouldn't mind a few more toys, but they may come with time.
I would be if I didn't have to go to work.

School and 98% of jobs are meant to break your spirit and mind.
What you said in your op, isn't how human emotions work. We judge ourselves relative to our peers, not people living centuries ago, those in the third world, the homeless, etc.

Anyway no, I'm not. But I'm closer than any time in the last 6 years or so. Took a big risk in August and moved a thousand miles away. Was living in a dead end town with very few job opportunities. Found a new job in only a week, making a lot more money than my last job. My ancient car is still running. I'm working a lot of hours and saving a lot of money. For the first time in years I actually have a little extra money.

In the last six years I've moved over and over, been briefly homeless, cut ties with my family, had to quit school, had my best friend vanish, split with my wife, lost most of my money and possessions, been through a number of health scares, and dealt with constant crushing poverty.

It feels absurdly overdue, but things seem to slowly be getting better now. The trick is not giving up, even if you have to phone it in for awhile. I feel bad for some of the people that had to deal with me from 2013 to 2015, when I didn't give a fuck and couldn't be bothered pretending to. I'm sick and I have to work 6 ten hour days in a row so I'm a little irritated, but other than that and having a hard time finding an apartment, I can't really complain