Are you passionate about what you do?

Most people are not passionate about their job.

However they just do for a living.

For me, yes I do enjoy my job. I live in Korea and I teach English to students, mostly 4th grade to 12th. In my country, we should consult their parents once a month about their performance. It is very hard to do it because many Korean parents are so passionate about their kids' performance that they sometimes complain heavily when seeing kids' low grades. They think that their kids should always be good at studying.

Nevertheless, what I really like about my job is teaching. Though I teach English, I I am very proud that I can be a right path or bridge to their future and that I can help and advise them to choose what they want to do.
Hi. I am also a banker, and I love it. I'm in research, where we turn information into money and destroy a bunch of lives in the process. Fortunately, I had my conscience removed so I don't lose any sleep over the megadeaths that we're indirectly responsible for.
This sounds intoxicating.

I need to get into finance asap.
What i do now is not what I want to do in say 10 years from now. I make decent money and am positioned well to make more in the next few years. Problem is I work I distribution and am still actively involved in the warehousing aspect of it. I eventually want to work for a consulting firm focused on operations management somewhere down the line when I have more experience.

One thing that I don't regret doing was when I quit my last job, everyone thought I was crazy, because I didn’t have another position lined up. But I decided to move to Peru for 4 months instead. Now back it honestly wasn’t hard for me to find a good opportunity. I hope I’m going to have several more sabbaticals in my future. It’s honestly the best way to recalibrate
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Not really. Sometimes I feel like all I do is prolong death for people suffering. Maybe I'm just working in the wrong setting.
Pride and enjoyment are rather different, I'v typically had at least some degree of pride in doing by job correctly even if it was dull as dishwater but I'v never enjoyed it previously.

Shot from yesterday afternoon that should be on sale next week...

Im in construction. More infrastructure based than commercial or residential based. Ive spend years in waste water plants, then switched over to bridges and water towers. Recently ive been running a crew painting on the highrises of chicago. I started painting because i drank myself out of a scholarship and had no other choices or prospects. I had a family to support and it was great money. I didnt start to get passionate until i started working at heights (watertowers and highrises). I love that im in the sun and fresh air. Its hard physical labor but i never minded that.
It can be, though that may not always be an inherently evil thing. The government, at all levels, sometimes needs to make decisions which may not be too popular with everyone.

The red tape I’m specifically referring to affects how we’re able to perform our duties, based on the input of non-governmental organizations.
Good to know. My rational is that once you play the game that there are certain things you should keep from the public, you are literally and unintentionally creating an uncontrollable monster.
I'm a carpenter, I enjoy it but not super passionate about it. We get a decent rate where I live but working outside in the northeast can suck pretty bad at times
Absolutely. The guys at the gloryhole seem satisfied too.
I am passionate about what I do, but not where I do it. Working towards fixing that by starting my own business.
I found a way to make a living teaching meditation and Christian mysticism for a living. I'm not rich but my job is very challenging and is always new and interesting and sometimes very difficult too. I am very passionate about it and grateful to live this life.
Not at all. I do blue collar warehouse work. I have a strong work ethic so I work my ass off, but no passion.
I’m a union sprinkler fitter. It’s rewarding knowing you install systems that can save lives and peoples property.
I also have a second job, that also doubles as a hobby. This I’m very passionate about. It pays extremely well, and I feel very good about the service I’m providing for people.
That would be nice but currently just paying the bills. Hours are nice and weekends are free so I’d probably miss it even if I made more elsewhere.