Arlovski's Opponents Show The Tragedies and Train Wreck Lives of MMA

I'm going out on a limb and say you don't know all the nuns, cashiers and plumbers on the planet and have no idea what they're like. Besides, nuns could've been helping the perverted catholic priests. You don't know as much as you think, Paul.
Using my name like that greatly enhanced the impact of your statement. Perhaps I am mistaken, about a great many things.
Tim seems to be doing ok. Saw some video with him living in the backwoods, hunting and generally being a big ole' country oaf.

He was having some issues with his arm but he certainly was not sounding anything like Chuck or Big Daddy or similar.
Not sure why I thought of this, but I realized Arlovski has fought a very colorful list of opponents with more than their share of tragedies, crimes and even deaths. I'm not saying MMA caused all of their problems, but it's definitely not a career for those seeking security and a low-risk life.
  • Datsik - Nut case who spent time in prison in both Russia (armed robbery) and Norway
  • Aaron Brink - Porn star and father of a recent night club mass shooter
  • Tim Sylvia - Biggest rival with 4 fights. Became extremely obese (371 pounds in last fight) and unhealthy as his career ended. Most likely a CTE case
  • Justin Eilers (RIP) - Shot in dispute with his stepfather in 2008
  • Brett Rogers - Became a wife beater and man groper (3 or 4 counts of grabbing men in the crotch/butt or asking for sex)
  • Bigfoot - One of the saddest cases of a fighter who took way too much damage late in his career. KO'd in 8 of his last 10 MMA fights plus barekuckle and boxing (by Datsik of all people)
  • Travis Fulton - After 320 fights (what are the chance he had CTE?), he was charged with child porn possession and exploitation of a child. Committed suicide in jail (or somebody killed him).
  • Rumble (RIP) - Had domestic violence charges and accusations. Also charged for ID theft. Died surprisingly young from Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
So what does all of it say about Andrei Arlovski, Shermano?
While I agree that combat sports don't attract the brightest people, I don't think it is fair to blame the sport for people having problems. Life is hard, and our society has set the stage for this. If we are blaming the sport, then we have to blame the society that created the situation where people engage in human cawkfighting to pay the bills. I agree that combats sports can cause injury and head trauma.

I have long advocated for state legislatures to do their job and look out for fighters, the way California is trying to do, by making fighters eligible for the boxing pension fund, with a minimum number of bouts. This is about more than just combat sports. It is about the nature of life, in general. If these guys weren't punching each other in the face, they would likely be doing something else dangerous.
Yeah we should go back to old society where people didn’t fight as sports entertainment but for life and death battles. Why fight for minimum wage, when you can fight for plunder and a bit of raping
Tim was the only one where I was like why we listing him? Cause he's fat? lol
Datsik needs a whole different categorization. There is no list that could exist with him on that doesn't automatically scream madmen with his inclusion.
MMA and combat sports have always had a cast of shady characters. TS has folks to argue with though!
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MMA fans are so sensitive to the shady underbelly of their niche sport and societal-reject fighters. Truth hurts!

Damn - that's excessive !
People that have to fight for a living aren't going to come from the best backgrounds. The ones that actually fight because they are athletes or martial artists still end up messing with the wrong crowds. Even guys like GSP have some dirt on them when they got famous.

It's just not a high brow support or something that is going to attract high class individuals.