Media Arman Tsarukyan punched a fan during his walkout

HaHa Good. If some maniac is allowed to grab at you while you're walking in, you should be allowed a free swing.
Nobody grabbed him, a middle finger from a stupid guy, and then violence from a professionnal fighter. I'm surprised Armenians would act like their neighbours.
Major fail by security.

Honestly wtf?
How did they let that happen?

How do they not have fighter surrounded by dudes LOOKING for a good reason to punch someone in the face?
This was that reason!!
This is what we train for boys!!
Can you imagine a fucking psycho sneaking in a blade or something

There was a famous Brazilian NHB event where a riot broke out and someone got stabbed through the cage. I think it was Renzo that got stabbed at a Eugene Tadio fight, but I might have the names all mixed up.
The ”fan” was asking for it and he got it. Hopefully on the jaw
If he went after a fan for giving him the middle finger he's a freaking moron. I'm not going after some pansy ass fan that probably can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag because he gave me the finger. Number one, i'm not that easily offended and two not worth losing the UFC contract over it.
You just know the people that have a problem with this have lived a completely sheltered life. Most learn pretty early on that if you say or do the wrong thing to someone you might get punched in the mouth for it. Right or wrong it’s just the way it goes, that fan has no one to blame but themself.
Honestly i assumed the guy grabbed him, but now I watch this I have no idea why he punched him. That just seemed to come out of nowhere.
His response was pretty spot on :

Do you know where I’m from?
There's a reason you're called a professional fighter. Trying to attack a fan because he gave you the finger is ridiculous. This dude's a walking liability for the ufc.
Some drunk idiot gave him the finger? While I don’t condone what he did, If it was a guy, he had it coming clean and simple. Stupid moves have stupid consequences.