Asking an unknown lady you see on the street for a date?

Works better if you tell them you are going on a date, and give her your number. Then walk away.
It actually works a surprising amount of the time. Not above 50% or anything, but enough that you will be surprised. If a slightly above average guy like myself can pull it off, all you Sherstuds should have a much better win percentage.
It won't work if you're not offering them some money up front
Every girl I’ve ever dated I go up to and strike up a conversation. I won’t do apps, I’m all about organic pick ups. When I’m single If I see a hot girl I’m interested in a tell myself in my head “Travis you’re a bitch if you don’t make a move”. It works a lot and there’s rejection a lot but even In rejection I’ve made plenty of female friends (some I ended up banging at a later date anyway). Also with every fail or win I sharpen my organic linguistic skills on picking up chicks. No cheesy stuff (or if you do go stupid cheesy where it’s funny) just genuine conversation on whatever’s pertinent to the particular situation.

Confidence is provocative and women love it. Be bold sherbros.
Confidence is built with repeated success, which you've had as a well above average attractive guy. Most of us don't have the zygos to pull this off.
Confidence is built with repeated success, which you've had as a well above average attractive guy. Most of us don't have the zygos to pull this off.
Lol at zyglets lacking hunter eyes ,zygo top team ova here.