Badr Hari doping accusation

No surprise really. I've been saying that Badr really looked on the hard juice since his come back against Rico and then against Gerges. I mean to get caught juicing in Kickboxing lol, what a failure he is.
I think you meant doping.

But ya we've all known this. Kickboxing is like how MMA was pre-USADA.

Speaking about that, y'all see how JACKED Buakaw looked in his fight yesterday?

Yes I thought exactly that watching his last fight, he looked even more jacked than the last few fights where he already looked jacked.

To be honest, I follow his facebook page (as he does a lot other cool stuff than just fighting) and I've noticed changes to his body structure but actually mostly his facial structure (his head and face looking bigger and puffier) the last few months especially but I've been noticing that for at least a year or a year and a half now.

As a fan it's sad to admit but I know he's been on the juice quite a bit the last year and a half more or less but especially the last few months.
Really shouldn’t be news to anyone. Half of these “heavyweights” in the Dutch kickboxing circuit were competing at 90 or even 85kg weight classes then gained 50 pounds and started having problems with wiping their own asses.

It's always funny to look at the physiques of guys before K-1 and during/after K-1. Guys like Peter Aerts, Andy Hug, Badr Hari, Alistair Overeem, Tyrone Spong, Jerome Le Banner, and the list goes ooooon. Take a picture of them from before and one from during/after, the difference is huge.
This has unleashed a complete shit storm in Holland. And Glory already had a sketchy reputation. If they let them off the hook easy, then the next Glory event in Holland will take a serious hit. People are already saying that Rico should move away from Glory. All Glory's work to get a foot back on Dutch soil and rebuild the credibillity of the sport has been nullified.

Glory said they wanted to cut ties with the ISR doping organisation after it came out. How about stop testing the fighters all together? What a joke!!! PED use in combat sports should be punished harder than in any other sport, because people's health and lives are actually on the line. You could call it an assault in legal terms.
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Most top-level athletes are on something and if you think otherwise you're naive af.

Maybe don't advertise it openly like for example a fighter who's fought on the current K-1 Japan openly sold PEDs on their facebook...let commissions and such do whatever testing they might do but don't go adding to it.
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Cant find that much in english language press.. but hope Dimspace will keep track of it, he tweeted about it so I'm sure he will follow it.
This is a big moment for Euro combat sports, if Glory just cut ties with 'Antidoping Netherlands' and act like nothing happened then we are really in the dark ages.
The big question is.. Why the fuck did they hook up with antidoping in the first place!?
Its obvious at least half of them are on something.. and it looks (by eye-test..) worse than in comparative region mma.
Or maybe its not a choice like it isn't here in Sweden if you want to get your event licensed.

Edit: Ok KrisDekkermma is up to speed, read his twitter for continuous updates.

And if "Each of them risk four-year suspensions" then its probably all for exogenous anabolic steroids or HGH.
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Most top-level athletes are on something and if you think otherwise you're naive af.

Pfffff... most apologethic bullshit ever!!!

Hari and Gerges shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a Glory ring in the first place. Over the hill and both have a criminal past. Adegbuyi, Petch, Jauncey and many, many more on Glory's roster are REAL assets for the sport. These ex-convicts are NOT. They're not even exciting fighters anymore, so why keep them around? Because of their name??? Fuck that!! Both Hari and Gerges were on PED's during their fight together, and they STILL looked sluggish, slow and gassed out! Get rid of them.
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Cant find that much in english language press.. but hope Dimspace will keep track of it, he tweeted about it so I'm sure he will follow it.
This is a big moment for Euro combat sports, if Glory just cut ties with 'Antidoping Netherlands' and act like nothing happened then we are really in the dark ages.
The big question is.. Why the fuck did they hook up with antidoping in the first place!?
Its obvious at least half of them are on something.. and it looks (by eye-test..) worse than in comparative region mma.
Or maybe its not a choice like it isn't here in Sweden if you want to get you event licensed.

Edit: Ok, KrisDekkermma is up to speed, read his twitter for continuous updates.

Glory wants alternative punishment for all 4 fighters who have been caught, instead of suspention from fighting. It's a complete joke.

And your comment about why they use an antidoping organisation in the first place is mindboggling...
even Canelo was caught on "contaminated meat"

Almost everyone is using something when even at the highest level of combat sports where there are serious anti doping organizations working full time, imagine on Kickboxing, that haves spread talent all over the place and deal with different models of business the whole time?
even Canelo was caught on "contaminated meat"

Almost everyone is using something when even at the highest level of combat sports where there are serious anti doping organizations working full time, imagine on Kickboxing, that haves spread talent all over the place and deal with different models of business the whole time?

You don't get it.... All that is beside the point.

It's about how Glory handles the case. The only right thing for Glory to do is to make a public statement, condemning the use of PEDs and go along with the suspension of the fighters. But what does Glory do? They try to sweep it under the rug and look the other way. The ISR doping organisation's contract was terminated AFTER the fighters were caugh. The ISR basically got the boot for doing their job! If Glory wants to save face it makes a public statement now.

No testing, no Glory events in Holland!!

And Canelo was suspended for eating "tampered meat"
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You don't get it.... All that is beside the point.

It's about how Glory handles the case. The only right thing for Glory to do is to make a public statement, condemning the use of PEDs and go along with the suspension of the fighters. But what does Glory do? They try to sweep it under the rug and look the other way. The ISR doping organisation's contract was terminated AFTER the fighters were caugh. The ISR basically got the boot for doing their job! If Glory wants to save face it makes a public statement now.

No testing, no Glory events in Holland!!

And Canelo was suspended for eating "tampered meat"
near to nothing is going to happen, people who follow the sport for ages are even suprised that they were tested man..

The sport haves a long history with using of PEDs, maybe glory pronounces about it, maybe not, but it isnt going to change the fact of what happens and what is still going to happen.
near to nothing is going to happen, people who follow the sport for ages are even suprised that they were tested man..

The sport haves a long history with using of PEDs, maybe glory pronounces about it, maybe not, but it isnt going to change the fact of what happens and what is still going to happen.

With all respect, but you have no clue how much damage this is doing to Glory in Holland. It's on every news outlet, website and television. This has backfired massively for Glory. They should have handled this in a different way. And trust me, after seeing the shit storm this has created, Glory wish they had. Terminating the contract of the Dutch doping agency after 4 fighters tested positive??? What was Glory thinking? Maybe they were thinking Holland is some sort of banana republic? Doping athletes is nothing new, but the way Glory tried to cover it up has ruined their credibility and name (if they had any to begin with, but among cassusl fans in Holland they had a decent reputation)

And trust me, this is far from over for Glory.
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And I want to stress that Glory hired the Dutch doping agency themselves. And then ended the contract because they were doing their job too well. The hypocrisy is laughable and sad at the same time.

How can anyone trust and take Glory seriously after this has come out?
I'm with @premiumtap this is a disaster and makes Glory look really bad. People forget, Kickboxing was essentially BANNED in Holland for a period of time due to crime connection scandals, now you got the biggest promotion in the sport that is Dutch based trying to sweep positive tests under the rug and completely ignore it.

We all know it's rampant in Kickboxing but it was also rampant in MMA and while certainly not perfect they have done a lot to clean up the sport (unless you are Jon Jones).

Im curious as to what the testing procedures are when they put on shows in the USA.
The backpeddling by Glory has already begun. The latest news is, that now Glory does want to continue to work with ISR (Dutch doping agency). Glory wants to sign a new contract but now under "new terms" LOL.. WTF???

Also when a kickboxer is suspended they are free to fight for a different promoter. That's just ludicrous. However Dutch promoters respect eachothers suspentsions, but they could still fight abroad. I know Glory has a Dutch devision, but not sure if Glory counts as a Dutch promoter in Holland anyway.

Also, if Glory doesn't respect the ISR's fndings, then they risk the possibility of being denied to host any kickboxing events in the future, anywhere in Holland.

So there you have it. Massive cock up by Glory. Like I said, this is far from over. Fucking amateurs....

In a way I'm glad they got exposed like this.
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