Badr Hari recent Photo

I'm in no way sticking up for these Pros and I do not condone what they do but I can empathise with them to some degree. I've never taken any kind of ped's as of yet, but I can appreciate the pressure to stay 'on top'.
On top of the training, on top of the winning, on top of pleasing fans etc. And alot of athletes will turn to 'help' to get them through. Training 2 - 3 times a day, every day of the week will take a huge toll on the body, and if theres a way to overcome the pain and decreased energy levels, and too keep fighting/training at the level these guys do then its quite easy to see and understand why some of them will take steriods and other ped's.
If you were fighting at that level, on an international stage, in the eyes of millions and you had a break between your fights, would you not be tempted to atleast try?
I'd be lieing if I said I wouldnt be, and can you imagine the buzz they have when they're training harder, they're faster, stronger etc? Its no wonder alot of these guys juice.
