Social Baldness in men


Beard tom is best tom

He’s a pretty boy though.

Handsome bald guys like The Rock, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Dana White, and Vin Deisel don’t need facial hair.

My list is in no particular order btw.
I keep my hair short but I'm the person with more hair that I know of. Low hairline, extremely thick hair that grows very fast and I also have some cowlicks.
I always thought it looked bad when I was young but it has been advantageous because I didn't go bald.
Now I realize my true calling is to be a populist.

Populists and dictators, but also actors and celebrities in general, tend to have some distinguishing feature. Hair and mustache are the easiest to pull of for men.
If you still think getting pussy and respect has anything to do with your looks, you're not a man yet.
I dont have bald genetics but i keep my hair short because it's a lot easier to deal with. Long hair makes showering take twice as long; shampoo/conditioner/drying/brushing is a pain the ass. Also long hair gets really nasty if you train grappling.

The only reason i would want long hair is if i had an oddly shaped skull.
Yeah, I first cut my hair short when I started wrestling in 7th grade. Longer hair just doesn't work. Besides for making you extra hot and sweaty, it gets pulled and yanked out. I dunno how Ben Askren did it.
Not sure which kings and leaders you're referring to and when, but Churchill was bald, Lenin was bald, Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Eisenhower, Van Buren. If we're talking further back, Napoleon had short thinning hair, Caesar haircuts were short, Socrates was bald, some Greek statues have a full head of curly hair(particularly for younger guys), some are bald, and a handful have longer hair.

There weren't exactly a lot of supercuts locations in ancient times, and grooming in general was pretty crude. They had crude razors, and could give crappy haircuts to keep the length down, but they weren't styling their hair the way people do now. A full head of hair is more a symbol of youth, not necessarily long hair. Our culture is more youth obsessed than previous cultures, so balding guys try to hang on to their hair to look younger. They also dye their hair for the same reason. It's a full head of hair they're after, not longer hair. Guys with ponytails are either magicians or rapists.

And not sure your example of Milei, Trudeau, and Biden is accurate. Yeah, obviously nobody is complementing Biden on his hairline because dude's been bald for 50 years and was clinging on with comb overs and got hairplugs before they even knew what they were doing and were just stapling pubes to your scalp. Trudeau didn't just get complimented on his hairline, that's entirely what got him voted into office.

I don't know have the voting numbers for age demographics over time, but vanity seems more important when you have lots of younger voters. Leaders now dye their hair, get plugs/transplants, whiten their teeth, wear makeup, put lifts in their shoes or stand on boxes at debates.
another contradiction. one of the most prominent male grooming tools is a shaving kit. we are told to keep our hair short and not grow beards yet inherently w favor these aesthetics
You are making some huge presumptions and generalizations here and in the OP.

I don't inherently favor those aesthetics, for example. I don't like big hair on anyone, typically--there's always the exception that proves the rule though. I have always thought the purpose of a beard was to cover a weak-looking chin. Nothing about them appeals to me as something I would ever care to do. The only time I ever let my facial hair grow is when it's out of pure laziness.

Also, I'm not sure what you are calling short hair; I'd say mine is medium-length but it doesn't cover my ears and stops at the collar in the back. I don't care how long it gets as long as it doesn't get big. Once that happens I get a haircut. I don't feel pressured by society. I like to look my best at work and it just happens that's clean shaven with medium length hair. Further to that, it's really common for anyone who lives in a temperate climate to wear their hair long in the winter and short in the summer for the obvious reasons. That has noting whatsoever to do with what society wants as a whole.

Taking all the above together, my point here is that I believe you generalize overmuch in the OP.
Yeah, I first cut my hair short when I started wrestling in 7th grade. Longer hair just doesn't work. Besides for making you extra hot and sweaty, it gets pulled and yanked out. I dunno how Ben Askren did it.
Maybe it just has less of an effect on your when your head is covered in pubic hair.
Hair signals vitality (which is not the same thing as "youth"). You need enough hair to signify that you're not too old. But you can't treat your hair like you're a teenaged girl. You treat it in a way to signify that you have your adult priorities in order.

It's not complicated. Vitality and maturity.

Beards are another way to convey the same traits and can be a "get out of jail free" card for men who are balding.
lol nah, I have the same type of hair. My mop looks like this when I let it grow:

My hair never really gets long. I went without cutting it for a year once and it still wasn't past my shoulders; it just got bigger and bigger around my head lol
Any of you got some hair to spare??? Asking for a friend...
Plato said a bald man is a virile man. Of course Plato was bald and was never in Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, Plato was always riding Socrates coat tails.
Fact - Andre Agassi wore a wig in Wimbledon final
Plato said a bald man is a virile man. Of course Plato was bald and was never in Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, Plato was always riding Socrates coat tails.
I will agree with Plato. At least I am. Going bald had zero effect in that area. At least for myself. Never even had whiskey dick in my life.

I would trade a little of that virility for my hair back though.....

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