Media Belal is ANGRY with Leon!

Unheralded Truth

Brown Belt
Platinum Member
May 14, 2017
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If he has any updates on his next fight:

- I've got to the point in my life where it's like, I've been so locked in like 'oh, when is it? Is it gonna be this, gonna be that?' and having the ups and downs
of those emotions, I was just like, I'm done even thinking about it. Once they give me a contract, that's when I worry about it but other than that it's like,
I get asked that question 55 times a day no matter where I am. And it'll be like my family, even my mom and dad 'so you're gonna fight yet?' and it's like
STOP ASKING ME! But I'm hoping soon.

If he has any response to Leon's managers comments:

- Bro, they're like the fakest team I've ever seen in my life. Like, I've never seen somebody lie so much, or like, trying to make it seem that they're not
afraid. Like, you're saying yes when his coach called for Gilbert Burns while I beat Gilbert Burns. You had his brother coming up with these Conor McGregor
fights, like they're coming up with every other reason try and avoid me. It's blatant and the fans are starting to see it now. So when you have all these guys
doing the talking for you, that just tells me that you're that coward always hiding behind it, and he's like 'oh, lets try and get this instead. Let's try this instead'.
You're the champion of the world, so if you're the best guy in the world: Fight the best guy that's right behind you. But he knows that I'm the best in the world,
that's why he's trying to avoid this fight.

- I fought the number four guy in the world on three weeks notice. Nobody would ever have done that, he would never do that in his whole life. I put my streak
on the line because I know I'm the best in the world, and he knows this. He's trying to do anything to hold on to his belt for as long as possible. You know, when
you look at guys that Tim Simpson manages, and see guys like Adesanya, where you see when he was champion they're looking for the next guy. They don't
care who, just 'we're gotta build this fight up because that's the money fight' right? Volkanovski gets into Poiriers face after his fight, because that's the next fight.
Leon Edwards goes ghost, he goes missing after his fight. Doesn't say anything, or promote anything. All the stuff that's coming out of their mouths are just ways
to avoid me. So it's fake.

If there is bad blood between him and Leon now, or he's not thinking like that:

- No, I hate his guts. Like, I've never... The last fighter I had dislike for was Sean Brady, and it was because he was talking all this trash and one of those things
where it's like 'bro, I don't even know you, but you're acting like you're something else'. For the Leon fight, they're trying to avoid me. Him trying to act like, you know,
downplaying my accomplishments and tell me that I've never earned it. That stuff pisses me off and it's fueling me with hatred for this guy, and I just can't wait to
get in there and get my hands on him. But to fight guys that you dislike, it's easier to wake up every day. For Leon Edwards, my prime focus has been on him for
two years. I haven't worried thinking about nobody but him, and when I go in there and walk through him he's gonna go back into irrelevancy. Nobody's even gonna
think about him anymore. Then he can go ghost forever and do what he likes.
In my non expert opinion they are just keeping Belal on ice to frustrate him to the point of fighting another contender in hopes that he loses. Hope I'm wrong because the guy has earned the opportunity but it is looking less and less likely that he's going to get it.
Belal should be doing more of this. He's played his entire career as a nice guy and where has it got him? Nothing. He was the most deserving contender BEFORE fighting Burns and he still hadn't gotten a title shot. Go full nuclear dude. Start savaging Leon in the media. Let Ali manage your social media.

Colby was a boring wrestler too but the MMA fanbase got invested in his fights because of how he promoted himself. Belal hasn't been playing the game that you need to if you are a fighter that isn't exciting to watch. Follow the Chael route, just don't be as cringe as Colby. Do SOMETHING to make fans interested in this fight.
In my non expert opinion they are just keeping Belal on ice to frustrate him to the point of fighting another contender in hopes that he loses. Hope I'm wrong because the guy has earned the opportunity but it is looking less and less likely that he's going to get it.
They're definitely giving him some Jon Fitch Treatment.
It was a situation like this that pushed Clubber Lang over the edge

If Belal gets a bunch of gold chains and feather earrings and crashes a press conference that will add enough bullshit drama that the ufc will put the fight together
He should be angry with the UFC, not Leon.

The UFC offered Leon 3 separate opponents, and none of them were Belal.

Edwards doesn't say no to opponents, he's just said he isn't excited about Belal because he's boring and he thinks he's a bum from what he felt in their first fight.
He should be angry with the UFC, not Leon.

The UFC offered Leon 3 separate opponents, and none of them were Belal.

Edwards doesn't say no to opponents, he's just said he isn't excited about Belal because he's boring and he thinks he's a bum from what he felt in their first fight.

Things may have changed. The 3 fighters Leon was offered only turned it down because it was during Ramadan. I doubt they havent offered Leon a fight since then.
Things may have changed. The 3 fighters Leon was offered only turned it down because it was during Ramadan. I doubt they havent offered Leon a fight since then.
Things probably have changed. I've been saying for a while I think Belal is still next up, they just didn't want it topping the card at 300 because it would have gone down about as well as Aljo vs Kattar.

They will put it in Manchester though because Leon is somewhat local and beggers can't be choosers so UK cards sell out no matter how bad they are.

Point remains Belal is angry at the wrong guy. Leon will fight who he's told to, he's hardly scared of a guy he was well on his way to finishing last time they were in a cage together.
the man has the face of a super villain, EMBRACE IT BELAL. BECOME THE SHEIK OF THE UFC.