Elections Bernie drops out of Primary

If you were running against such a tactic, you'd see how unfair it was. It's an entire party vs one man. I'm not saying it's illegal, but it's a transparent attempt by the establishment to quash a candidate in bad faith.

That's a double-edged sword. If they had stayed in the race longer, it would've been "unfair to Biden". No one is entitled to votes.
Biden is gonna get destroyed lol.. can’t believe the dnc somehow managed to nominate a candidate that’s less inspiring than Hilary.

The democratic establishment loves having Trump in power. They get to blame him for everything and no one scrutinizes any of the dirty shit they get up to.

It's a perfect setup for them. They are getting rich and staying off everyone's radar.
He'll also forgets words and to think
Yes, he’s struggled with a stutter his whole life and is a terrible debater. He’s also old as fuck.

I want to be clear, I don’t love Joe at all. But given the options I’m firmly on the Biden train.
LOL. Very few if any first world countries responded well to the Coronavirus. That's why it's called a fucking Global Pandemic. But yeah, old ass man Joe Biden who sexually assualts women on camera and fuddles his words would've conquered COVID-19 with an armbar in round 1.

I said he would have responded much better than Trump. I’m not saying we would have avoided a pandemic fuck nuts.
That's a double-edged sword. If they had stayed in the race longer, it would've been "unfair to Biden". No one is entitled to votes.

Not exactly. Look, there's a normal way things go on. Candidates run until it's absolutely clear they have no chance of winning. Usually, if they did alright in the first few races, they stay in until Super Tuesday. Think about their campaign staff, think about their supporters. Don't the candidates owe it to them to stay in at least until that point ? But they all dropped out at once. That's not the normal state of affairs. It's a ploy.
On one hand: the DNC had to concoct this nefarious plan to steal the nomination from Bernie!
On the other hand: those candidates had a real shot!
They clearly made backroom deals (possibly cabinet position offers), planned the endorsements and got all their ducks in a row at the right time. It's not a conspiracy, but they didn't break any rules either, it's just what happened. They executed their strategy perfectly and it paid off.

You reap what you sow.
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This forum is funny
Two months ago: dems going to nominate a socialist! Trumps going to crush him! Stupid dems!
Now: dems going to nominate biden. Haha we always knew the dnc would not allow it. Trumps going to crusher him!

Because Trump supporters are full of shit

BAHAHHAHAHAHA go fuck yourself

And once again, voters will be held in sole account if Corn Pop doesn't win, not the politician, because people seem to have forgotten what representative means
So you just make it up as you go

Good luck!
What the fuck are you talking about? Can you at least state what you think I made up?

You’re just a salty motherfucker.
The fucking country is falling apart because we have a moron in the WH. If Biden had been president, this shit wouldn't be nearly as bad.

Talk about disingenuous. You don't even believe that tripe yourself.

If Dems want to be successful repairing their party's image, they would do well to distance themselves from the Sander, Harris, Warren, Booker, etc. loony tunes types, and prop up somebody composed and mature like Tulsi. Somebody that can at least answer a question with specifics. I'd be interested to see who pops up as a surprise 2024 Dem contender.
No, if they want to repair their image, they need to not be corrupt and work for everyone, not just be less awful than the GOP. People are only so compelled by fear, the main thing the DP has going for it is that it's not openly hostile to certain people
Eeek Biden vs Trump in those Debates is going to be ugly, Trump is ruthless and Joe doesn't know he is running for President.
Why wasn't Bernie gaining more traction as the pandemic worsened? All of Bernie's policies are the shit people were calling for in the stimulus package.

His goose was cooked by pandemic time. Klobuchar and Mayor Pete dropping out and backing Biden in unison is what did it.

This time it's harder to explain than in 2016. Back then, Hillary had far, far more name recognition and Bernie's policies were new and radical to the Democratic establishment.

This time, Bernie's a household name and most of his policies (at least their direction) are pretty mainstream among Democrats. Biden is still better known but not by a lot. And his centrist bullshit isn't as favored.

I think the aura of Bernie is still problematic to a lot of people. Just going by the issues, he should win. But a lot of voters really are uneasy about voting for such a "radical," and a guy that calls himself a socialist. Did you hear he said there's something good about the Cuban system? Oh heavens!
