Crime Biden was in possession of classified documents while not in office

LMAO what? Have it both ways?
Yeah, you're trying to push the idea that he's senile, but you don't want to make yourself sound like a total hack. So you go back and forth between strongly suggesting it and acting outraged that anyone thinks you suggested it.
As I said...cultish behavior by you. It reminds me of those in the MAGA crowd that will not accept any criticism of Trump whatsoever. As though realizing that people decline with age is some vicious personal attack on Joe. Weird as hell.
Um, what? I said I think it's sick and crazy that anyone says he's senile. If we're being honest (I know, I know), that's not an unwillingness to accept any criticism whatsoever. "People decline with age" is a statement I would agree with, genius. "The president is secretly senile" is very different!

Note that everyone agreeing with you here was also saying that Clinton murdered people when that was the hot rightist propaganda angle.
Closer to Jack's viewpoint. Not all the way there, but closer than I imagined on this specific thing.
@Islam Imamate, what do you think our areas of disagreement are? Kind of curious what mkess thinks they are, but I don't really have any faith in his ability to be honest.
Yeah, you're trying to push the idea that he's senile, but you don't want to make yourself sound like a total hack. So you go back and forth between strongly suggesting it and acting outraged that anyone thinks you suggested it.

Um, what? I said I think it's sick and crazy that anyone says he's senile. If we're being honest (I know, I know), that's not an unwillingness to accept any criticism whatsoever. "People decline with age" is a statement I would agree with, genius. "The president is secretly senile" is very different!

Note that everyone agreeing with you here was also saying that Clinton murdered people when that was the hot rightist propaganda angle.

@Islam Imamate, what do you think our areas of disagreement are? Kind of curious what mkess thinks they are, but I don't really have any faith in his ability to be honest.
So here's a simple one then Jack, find my post where I called him senile. You can't. And you telling me what "I'm trying to do" is laughable.
Just because you can't fathom that someone would think "maybe he's not senile yet, but he's declined enough to where I don't think he should run for another 4 years" doesn't mean you get to decide their motivations and how they actually see things.
I have absolutely zero faith in your ability to be honest either, as your showing over the past couple days has been nothing short of tragic on that front. But yeah, even though Islam clearly aligns closer to your views I tagged him in first so see what he thinks the "areas of disagreement" are.
Not really concerning to me. Neither was trumps documents fiasco. More concerned about people being 80 or near it and not having the faculties tot decorum to be in office anyway. That goes for trump and Biden.
I don’t think Biden is fully senile but he really does emulate my patients who I would say shouldn’t be driving.
How dare you! Absolute GOP shill, pushing a narrative like this. Even going so far as to use the word "senile"!

Shame on you, disgusting hack. There's absolutely zero evidence that Biden isn't still super sharp, and fully capable of leading this great nation. Only putrid right wingers doing hit jobs would say otherwise.

I get that right, @Jack V Savage ?

Do you come to the WR to do anything but catfight? It's like you're doing your level best to fill the void Rob Mafia left behind.
Do you come to the WR to do anything but catfight? It's like you're doing your level best to fill the void Rob Mafia left behind.
I absolutely do. I've plenty of civil, solid discussions over the years. Even including with the guy I'm now clowning.

With this one, he tried to paint me as the dishonest one while I literally showed his lies in real time. So nah, not gonna be all cool when someone goes that route.

It's interesting you'd chime in here. Not because me calling him out this way isn't maybe a bit much...but because even in disagreement while others tend to attack you pretty vehemently (I see you called racist, etc often) I don't do that shit.

But yeah your entitled to your opinion so if you think I'm too combative or whatever...sorry?
@Islam Imamate, what do you think our areas of disagreement are? Kind of curious what mkess thinks they are, but I don't really have any faith in his ability to be honest.
I think that some people who aren't necessarily right wing partisans legitimately believe that he's declined with age and that electing someone that old is a bad idea. I think with all things considered its a silly complaint but plenty of people towards the center are willing to uncritically buy into these kinds of narratives.
People trying to have it both ways? I think that's pretty contemptible too. Add weaseling on top of the sick personal attack.
Contemptible to believe that an 85 year old won’t have the mental capability to effectively serve as president. Smh
That's funny. What do you think the whole argument has been about?
Whether he's declined enough to where he shouldn't run again. You fixate on the single word senile, and it's of course why you didn't quote my entire post. Another tactic that's comically transparent.

So again, it's possible for him to have declined enough to where he shouldn't be president for another 4 years without him necessarily being senile yet. I'm sure you'll ignore this point one more time's become very predictable .
I think that some people who aren't necessarily right wing partisans legitimately believe that he's declined with age and that electing someone that old is a bad idea. I think with all things considered its a silly complaint but plenty of people towards the center are willing to uncritically buy into these kinds of narratives.
I don’t think it’s silly to think someone in their 80s A) isn’t as sharp as they were in their prime and B) fit for an extremely mentally fatiguing job

Average age of Fortune 500 CEOs will be just under THIRTY YEARS younger than Biden during the next term.
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I think that some people who aren't necessarily right wing partisans legitimately believe that he's declined with age and that electing someone that old is a bad idea. I think with all things considered its a silly complaint but plenty of people towards the center are willing to uncritically buy into these kinds of narratives.
Lo and behold, a rational viewpoint that although I don't really agree with isn't a knee jerk spaz out. And that doesn't call anyone who doesn't go along with it partisan hacks acting in bad faith, or void of moral character.
I absolutely do. I've plenty of civil, solid discussions over the years. Even including with the guy I'm now clowning.

With this one, he tried to paint me as the dishonest one while I literally showed his lies in real time. So nah, not gonna be all cool when someone goes that route.

It's interesting you'd chime in here. Not because me calling him out this way isn't maybe a bit much...but because even in disagreement while others tend to attack you pretty vehemently (I see you called racist, etc often) I don't do that shit.

But yeah your entitled to your opinion so if you think I'm too combative or whatever...sorry?

I'm not the boss of you but you should just move on, it's pointless. I gave the same advice to Andy the other day because some threads are just post after post of insults. It's probably my really, really bad blood pressure talking but it's unpleasant when threads turn into that.

Do what you feel, it's a free world and I'm just some anonymous dude.
Not really concerning to me. Neither was trumps documents fiasco. More concerned about people being 80 or near it and not having the faculties tot decorum to be in office anyway. That goes for trump and Biden.
I don’t think Biden is fully senile but he really does emulate my patients who I would say shouldn’t be driving.
I would buy this concern if it weren't coming from people who look the other way at much more serious concerns about Trump or people who didn't push back on completely crazy accusations against Clinton.
I don’t think it’s silly to think someone in their 80s A) isn’t as sharp as they were in their prime and B) fit for an extremely mentally fatiguing job

Average age of Fortune 500 CEOs will be just under THIRTY YEARS younger than Biden during the next term.
If we were talking about some random 80 yr old or if Biden hadn't been on the job for almost four years now I'd agree but as I said all things considered I think its a really minor complaint that has been blown way out of proportion. Why as a Democrat would I not support a Democrat incumbent who has been incredibly productive with a 50+1 Senate and has already defeated the GOP nominee? Why would I as an American not support the candidate that believes in the American liberal order over the one who wants to tear it down and last time around wanted to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power? Its when you consider those things that the Biden age complaint comes off as petty.

Consider how they both reacted to having been caught holding documents out of office which is the subject of this thread; Biden had a few and cooperated fully while Trump took many boxes of documents and did whatever he could to hold onto them. Biden's age is a potential concern while Trump has numerous character flaws and actions which to me are disqualifying individually let alone collectively so its a no brainer, Biden beat Trump once and he can do it again with an incumbent advantage and with a strong economy under his belt.
I'm not the boss of you but you should just move on, it's pointless. I gave the same advice to Andy the other day because some threads are just post after post of insults. It's probably my really, really bad blood pressure talking but it's unpleasant when threads turn into that.

Do what you feel, it's a free world and I'm just some anonymous dude.
You're not wrong. Sometimes I can eject...sometimes I give in. I'm human too...
If we were talking about some random 80 yr old or if Biden hadn't been on the job for almost four years now I'd agree but as I said all things considered I think its a really minor complaint that has been blown way out of proportion. Why as a Democrat would I not support a Democrat incumbent who has been incredibly productive with a 50+1 Senate and has already defeated the GOP nominee? Why would I as an American not support the candidate that believes in the American liberal order over the one who wants to tear it down and last time around wanted to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power? Its when you consider those things that the Biden age complaint comes off as petty.

Consider how they both reacted to having been caught holding documents out of office which is the subject of this thread; Biden had a few and cooperated fully while Trump took many boxes of documents and did whatever he could to hold onto them. Biden's age is a potential concern while Trump has numerous character flaws and actions which to me are disqualifying individually let alone collectively so its a no brainer, Biden beat Trump once and he can do it again with an incumbent advantage and with a strong economy under his belt.
I think even if sharpness is your only concern, there is no way you would favor Trump over Biden. Biden will talk for 10 minutes and sound fine except he said one word when he meant another once, while Trump can't even talk coherently at all, pretty much. He rambles constantly, says bizarre things, and doesn't even remember what he started off saying.
friendly reminder to everybody that it's now been 4 days since president brandon's last exoneration. the honorable president brandon has now been impeached 0 times, indicted 0 times, and found to have committed 0 crimes. surely they are going to find an overdue library book or an unpaid parking ticket on this guy any day now. just not today.

eternal joe brandon is now within the range of the average lifespan of a tortoise which can live for up to 150 years. the dude needs his nap. and they thought it would be funny to park a microphone and camera in front of stamina joe while he was sleeping. joe spry just so happened to be having another one of his dreams where he was a president in the whitehouse doing presidential things and standing up giving a speech, and they simply caught him enacting his dreams in his sleep.

is normal. happens to the best of us.

eternal joe brandon is now within the range of the average lifespan of a tortoise which can live for up to 150 years. the dude needs his nap. and they thought it would be funny to park a microphone and camera in front of stamina joe while he was sleeping. joe spry just so happened to be having another one of his dreams where he was a president in the whitehouse doing presidential things and standing up giving a speech, and they simply caught him enacting his dreams in his sleep.

is normal. happens to the best of us.

I'm starting to think you're KJP


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