Black students at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School are not happy about the police presence.

This is another shining example of "Victim Olympics"...It's a contest to see who can "out victim" the other guy. Sad, but not entirely unexpected.
Not even a month and they're already tearing themselves apart with identity politics.
This is another shining example of "Victim Olympics"...It's a contest to see who can "out victim" the other guy. Sad, but not entirely unexpected.
If you aren't a victim, you don't have protections. If you don't have protections, you have to be near perfect, and/or be very lucky.

The propaganda in the West must fall. Victim culture must end.

Someone should tell them not every cop is out to get them. Why aren't they spending more time trying to reduce the crime rate and gang violence in certain communities?
everyone wants a piece of the pie. they were definitely put up to this by someone like the other kids.
I suppose it’s too much to just be glad they weren’t fucking shot.

Someone should tell them not every cop is out to get them. Why aren't they spending more time trying to reduce the crime rate and gang violence in certain communities?

Stop blaming the victims.
Considering how many unarmed AA kids end up dead at the hands (or guns) of cops, I can certainly understand their concern. It can certainly hurt your school performance when you have to worry you might be executed for being tardy or not raising your hand to go to the bathroom
Considering how many unarmed AA kids end up dead at the hands (or guns) of cops, I can certainly understand their concern. It can certainly hurt your school performance when you have to worry you might be executed for being tardy or not raising your hand to go to the bathroom
With that kind of melodramatic outlook, I'm surprised they didn't go into paralytic shock due to being around other blacks. After all, black people are FAR more lethal to other blacks than the police. However, we get by.
Considering how many unarmed AA kids end up dead at the hands (or guns) of cops, I can certainly understand their concern. It can certainly hurt your school performance when you have to worry you might be executed for being tardy or not raising your hand to go to the bathroom
<LynchWink> Nice

Someone should tell them not every cop is out to get them. Why aren't they spending more time trying to reduce the crime rate and gang violence in certain communities?
They are trying to, if you would take 5 minutes to use google you can see that there's plenty of black community initiatives against gang violence.
They are trying to, if you would take 5 minutes to use google you can see that there's plenty of black community initiatives against gang violence.
Yes, there are. However, it is still very disheartening when you see how selective the outrage seems to be when a cop shoots someone that is black vs tens of thousands of black men murdering each other in the streets like dogs.
What if they were black cops?
They are trying to, if you would take 5 minutes to use google you can see that there's plenty of black community initiatives against gang violence.

Doesn't seem to be having much of an impact.

If these teenagers that are afraid of cops on school grounds tried to stop the crime rate and gang violence I'm sure they wouldn't be so afraid of them. They should be promoting the idea of earning money through honest work.

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