Crime BLM Protest/Riot Megathread

I sort of wonder if anyone cares about Asians, mexicans etc being victims of police misconduct.
They care and plenty of other people care too.

But this subforum suffers from a lack of knowledge and, worse, a lack of interest in obtaining knowledge. There are numerous non-profit groups aimed at reducing police misconduct in all communities and this includes Asian and Hispanic communities. These non-profits are black run, Asian run, Hispanic run, white run, etc. However because they're not on the news, the WR does not think they exist and the WR does not look into the issue, instead preferring to assume that something they don't know about must not exist.

Here's a website that lists out literally dozens of organizations:

And of course, the various ACLU chapters take up this fight no matter who the victims are.
49% chance that is @Queen B. 45% chance it is @brackis1.

Slight 6% chance it is someone else
That's why I started using the ignore button. I used to never put anyone on ignore, but as I've been watching these videos of these batshit crazy who use the most bizarre and obscene insults, screech autistically whenever they don't get there way, are overtly racist, and extremely elitist and made me realize this is who I'm wasting my time talking to. So I have those users you mentioned on my ignore list. I realized I was wasting time talking to literal crazy people who are just like this lady irl.
Three of the assholes that accosted diners in Pittsburgh were just arrested and charged for their crimes. Monique craft was the one that drank the lady’s beer and the cross dressing guy yelling fuck twelve in their face was charged and the dude with the megaphone.

fuck these three with a pine cone
Three of the assholes that accosted diners in Pittsburgh were just arrested and charged for their crimes. Monique craft was the one that drank the lady’s beer and the cross dressing guy yelling fuck twelve in their face was charged and the dude with the megaphone.

fuck these three with a pine cone
Good. Get them and charge them all and they'll stop. They settled things down in Lancaster due to arresting the idiot antifa fools. Clap down and hard and it goes away
BLM keeps moving to the suburbs, the residential areas lately.

Not sure what you're supposed to do in this situation. You can't leave your home, you can't see what the mob is doing outside. You can't sleep as they're making noise and shining a floodlight at you.

Mob gathers outside his home, shining a floodlight at his house, shouting at him with a megaphone. He brandishes his weapon while he's inside, to show the mob. Then the police arrives and arrests the homeowner

So basically, Trump supporters are experiencing the same life threatening fear when libtards show up outside their home that African Americans fear whenever they get pulled over by the cops.
BLM is a terrorist organization.

The thug taunting him over the microphone can't even speak proper English. It literally sounds lik a street bum accosting someone on the corner, but this is someones house and he has an angry mob with him. These delinquent bullies need to stay away from peoples domiciles and stick to burning down their own cities and towns. When Trump wins, it's going to be an amazing victory to get this garbage cleaned off the street once and for all since they started their 93 % peaceful protests bullshit. The feds are going to swoop in and restore order like never seen before once these downright criminal democratic mayors get pushed aside for their malfeasance.
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So basically, Trump supporters are experiencing the same life threatening fear when libtards show up outside their home that African Americans fear whenever they get pulled over by the cops.
Yep literally hunted. Literally.

The left is full of politcal terrorists that can't and won't stop harassing people.
This poster is a scumbag and loves fall equivalents
Don't fly your flag in the wrong area mother fucker ...

Trump people act like they want shit but when they get some static they cry... Keep it to yourself or get pointed out...
""No person may carry or display a facsimile firearm in a manner that could reasonably be expected to alarm, intimidate, threaten or terrify another person", unless on your own property or business, or that of another person with their consent."

That was a wrongful arrest. What he did was perfectly legal under the castle doctrine in Wisconsin.
As a true blue American I love it.

Tar and feathering coming soon. Glad they aren't cutting brakelines like I've been seeing suggesting though. That's a bit rough.
A lot of people on the left supporting this have no idea what they have opened. It will come for them. They are doomed

You cant beat whats coming. Genuine liberals for this are foolish