Brandon Wolf: Pence wants to put gay people into concentration camps

What is it with liberals and coming up with these fantasies of the right doing crazy shit to them.
Shit thread really
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I like how half the stories for the last year and a half have been what people in the administration "want" to do, but never have and never even said or suggested it.

Oh, the SOA thinks gays are "sinners"? Christianity considers literally everyone on earth to be sinners, so why would blowing dudes exclude you from everyone else?
In the past year and change has anything happened to LGBT people other than the 10 transgenders not being able to serve in the military, which isn't even that bad?
In the past year and change has anything happened to LGBT people other than the 10 transgenders not being able to serve in the military, which isn't even that bad?

Yes, they chopped their cocks off and put on lipstick.
Who are the people that eat this junk up? Those are the people that need some help
I find this very hard to believe. I seriously doubt mike pence wants to put gays in concentration camps.

But, hey, I guess if I can use it as a smear piece on sherdog then go with it.

Yeah, a camp where they can concentrate on eating hot dogs. It is a win win.

It’s true. Pence would put gays into camps if he could.

Yeah, I don't think they will exactly need to be put in cattle cars though
Definitely no agenda here, just another coincidence.