Bruce Buffer


You're welcome.
Thank you, that is what I saw in my mind! Hilarious<Lmaoo>
I've watched for 2 decades, and for some reason it has never bothered me and I don't see any difference, he's been one of the most consistent elements of the UFC in my opinion. Funny to see people here get triggered by the smallest and most meaningless parts of the show. I tune out everything but the fights mostly. Actually if he wasn't there something would feel off.
Is there anyone else out there, that can't stand this guy anymore? He is so over the top now, he's become clown-like to me and a little embarrassing. He turns so red yelling into the mike, that it looks like his head might explode! I wish it would. Is it just me?

He's always been that way, your acne just disappeared and you realized how embarrassingly douchey The UFC is in many respects.

You grew up son.
He's a creepy old sleezeball.
But, in his defense this was prime Cat so I can't hate on it.

<Lmaoo> It's what all straight guys would do! I bet he gets more than his share of hot women, and he has one of the best jobs in UFC history!
<Lmaoo> It's what all straight guys would do! I bet he gets more than his share of hot women, and he has one of the best jobs in UFC history!
"I would TOTALLY not bang 10s if I were an older rich single dude!"
Your whole persona is a car. That's embarrassing
I don't mind his voice as it still works but his full on screaming, being all buddy buddy with half the fighters fist bumping them, getting in some of their faces, jumping around in all that needs to go. Announce with enthusiasm but keep it modest. We're not watching the fight for him.
He has absolutely no tone to his voice.

Surprisingly, he is well-prepared and executes consistently well.
Bruce blessing these fighters with magnificent Introductions -- video memories whilst clean and fresh before the storm.
I'm pretty sick of him at this point. How old are the ring girls now must all be pushing 40 time to get some new blood in there in a few different areas. imho start by putting Dana's old ass out to pasture.
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I find his voice very annoying he kind of waffles I don't know how to describe it, it just sounds like "WOOF WOOF WOOF" a lot of the time, I do t know if he's just past his prime or if I just had enough of hearing him, because he used to be good.

Still x100 better that that fucking Bellator guy I cannot stand the way he announces names
Nobody made you read and respond to it.<Lmaoo>

Title your thread something else then instead of "Bruce Buffer",

Like: "Bruce Buffer is annoying for loving his job, gonna hate on him because I am a loser" <45><Lmaoo>