Bruises and Me


Purple Belt
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
I have always bruised very easily, which sucks, but even through football, I was able to deal with it.

Last night, I rolled for my first time with some friends, and I'm covered in painful bruises. Even on the back of my knees from having someone in my guard.. I really don't know if this is very common or not, so try not to flame me. I'm not going to puss out and stop or anything, but if anyone has any suggestions of a vitamin or supplement I can take that will reduce my bruises or make them less intense, I'll buy you a hooker.
Take bioflavonoid supplements along with vitamin C. It'll protect your capillaries and reduce bruising. And maybe you this or not, but warming your body up before you roll will help reduce the bruising too.
I'm like you in that I bruise very easily, and I'm normally covered in them from training. For me it's just something I've gotten used to. But it does get annoying when people act like they saw a knife in your back or something when they see some of the bigger bruises. Especially working in an office where most of the people will probably never undertake an athletic endeavour in their lives.

Hah, mini-rant aside, just get used to it.
It sounds like you are deficient in blood platelletes. There are a number of different causes for this. It could be something as minor as a lack of iron or as serious as an auto-immune disorder.
you prob have very thin skin, a huge plus when it comes to showing vascularity
skippyzippyjoe - Why do you think a lack of blood platelets is related? Do you think he's not clotting and this is causing the blood to spread further along the skin making the bruising more noticeable?
I would have defaulted to thinking it was related to greater likelihood of hemorrhaging rather than longer period of hemorrhaging, but I certainly don't know. I'm curious about your suggestion though.
Take bioflavonoid supplements along with vitamin C. It'll protect your capillaries and reduce bruising. And maybe you this or not, but warming your body up before you roll will help reduce the bruising too.

x2. This would be an easy and safe addition. A few years back, my mother complained of severe bruising from minor trauma. Her diet in fairly pathetic, to say the least, and she doesn't supplement at all. After I got her on 500mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids, her bruising disappeared.

If after a few weeks this doesn't change anything, it may be worthwhile to see your family physician for a coagulation test.
If I walked around in Knights Armor, NO ONE would fuck with me.
but yeah, thanks for the suggestions stated above.
It sounds like you are deficient in blood platelletes. There are a number of different causes for this. It could be something as minor as a lack of iron or as serious as an auto-immune disorder.

I agree. If the bruising is occurring more often or appear more severe than usual, I would definately let you doctor know and have some blood work done. As stated above you could simply be anemic because of low iron. But if you truely have a low platellete count minor injuries could create huge problems. Imagine getting knocked in the head and rupturing a tiny vessel, if your platelette count is low the bleeding will continue and before you know it you can end up with significant brain injury or death.
I agree. If the bruising is occurring more often or appear more severe than usual, I would definately let you doctor know and have some blood work done. As stated above you could simply be anemic because of low iron. But if you truely have a low platellete count minor injuries could create huge problems. Imagine getting knocked in the head and rupturing a tiny vessel, if your platelette count is low the bleeding will continue and before you know it you can end up with significant brain injury or death.

...God damn.
I thought bruising easy was the result of having low iron? That's why my mom says she bruises so easily, I could be mistaken though
dont "roll" with your friends.

at best, you'll develop bad habits.

at worst, someone will get hurt.

go to a real school and learn proper technique.

as for the bruises, your body will toughen up in time. suck it up.
My friend is a 2nd Degree Black Belt, and the other a Yellow.

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