Elections California Requires Trump's Tax Returns to Appear on the Ballot

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Whippy McGee

Surf 4 Life
Sep 3, 2014
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California will require presidential candidates to hand over their tax returns in order to appear on the state’s primary-election ballot....

Under a law signed Tuesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, candidates must turn over five years of tax returns at least 98 days before the March 3 primary. The state would then release a redacted version of the documents.


I knew it would come to this. California will be disenfranchising more voters than any other entity in the history of the United States. The state already allowed vote harvesting, which only the Democrats did to steal multiple seats after election night. They already have illegal aliens voting in our elections tracked back to at least the B1 Bob vs. Loretta Sanchez battle. The Gerrymandering in this state by Democrats makes that whole attack on Republicans just partisan bickering.

I wonder how many Blue states will do the same. Honestly, Trump should just let it happen. There is zero chance of Republicans winning any statewide election here and the Presidency is also out of the real of possibilities. This is what Left wing power and control looks like people. Millions of Californians will not be able to vote for their preferred candidate. It would be fun to see a serious 3rd Party Candidate get all of Trump's votes, plus their own overtaking the totals of Kamala Harris or Joe Biden.

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Meh, that'll get challenged and struck down
The very fact that main stream Democrats created, voted for, and passed this Bill is sobering. What has that party become?

Garbage. That's what they are. Complete fucking garbage.
The very fact that main stream Democrats created, voted for, and passed this Bill is sobering. What has that party become?
A Trumper asking what the Democrats have become. Interdasting.
Yeah, it's for sure not gonna stand.

But why not force candidates to show their tax returns? How is that information bad for the public? If we can ask candidates to show their birth certificates or marriage records, this seems fair game.
Garbage. That's what they are. Complete fucking garbage.

They worked it out during the last election cycle so that no Republican Candidate appeared on the ballot for the U.S. Senate and some other statewide seats. It was amazing to go to the ballot box and see no Republican. Democrats also made it so you cannot "write in" a candidate not on the ballot.
Yeah, it's for sure not gonna stand.

But why not force candidates to show their tax returns? How is that information bad for the public? If we can ask candidates to show their birth certificates or marriage records, this seems fair game.

I am 100% for all candidates showing their tax returns, not just a select set. I would love to see Diane Feinstein's and Nancy Pelosi's tax returns. Both women have become incredibly wealthy on congressional salaries.
Yeah, it's for sure not gonna stand.

But why not force candidates to show their tax returns? How is that information bad for the public? If we can ask candidates to show their birth certificates or marriage records, this seems fair game.
As long as it's a return from when they were in office.
Yeah, it's for sure not gonna stand.

But why not force candidates to show their tax returns? How is that information bad for the public? If we can ask candidates to show their birth certificates or marriage records, this seems fair game.
Here's my thing.

If this was written for any and ALL candidates from the fucking city assessor of Lodi on up to the guy running for President of the US I wouldn't have THAT much of an issue.

BBBBUUUUTTTTT, we all know it probably was just for Trump.
I am 100% for all candidates showing their tax returns, not just a select set. I would love to see Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi's tax returns. Both women have become incredibly wealthy on congressional salaries.

So then why are you upset about this?
Posturing. Won't go anywhere. But, Dems, if it actually could go somewhere..... you wanna set that standard?? Take nominees off your state ballots for what ever reason you feel like?
So then why are you upset about this?

Because we will not see Pelosi's or Feinstein's returns. This is a targeted law. All California candidates, or none... then I am good with it.
They worked it out during the last election cycle so that no Republican Candidate appeared on the ballot for the U.S. Senate and some other statewide seats. It was amazing to go to the ballot box and see no Republican. Democrats also made it so you cannot "write in" a candidate not on the ballot.

That is fucking shameful.

I'm not even sure which part is worse. Being able to write in a candidate is part of voting. Without that there is no choice.
I don't have a problem with this. If Trump wants to be on the ballot in CA, release his tax returns and the problem is solved.
i guess we'll see what the supreme court says. lol, soon to be a 6-3 split, imo
Because we will not see Pelosi's or Feinstein's returns. This is a targeted law. All California candidates, or none... then I am good with it.

Lol, all laws are targeted laws. You're only bothered by this because you, for some reason, are trying to protect the target. As if the target can't protect himself.
I don't have a problem with this. If Trump wants to be on the ballot in CA, release his tax returns and the problem is solved.

Yeah... we should make laws that if Candidates don't share their Education documents, they cannot appear on the ballots. Or, hey how about their religious affiliations? Or perhaps their gun ownership records? What charities they donate to should be known? Maybe they should include Medical Records too? How about a DNA test for their heredity? I can't see how this could be abused.

Don't you worry about Voter's having ID being "disenfranchisement", the Democrats have found a whole new level of taking away a citizen's candidate of choice. You can't even write him in.

California will require presidential candidates to hand over their tax returns in order to appear on the state’s primary-election ballot....

Under a law signed Tuesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, candidates must turn over five years of tax returns at least 98 days before the March 3 primary. The state would then release a redacted version of the documents.


I knew it would come to this. California will be disenfranchising more voters than any other entity in the history of the United States. The state already allowed vote harvesting, which only the Democrats did to steal multiple seats after election night. They already have illegal aliens voting in our elections tracked back to at least the B1 Bob vs. Loretta Sanchez battle. The Gerrymandering in this state by Democrats makes that whole attack on Republicans just partisan bickering.

I wonder how many Blue states will do the same. Honestly, Trump should just let it happen. There is zero chance of Republicans winning any statewide election here and the Presidency is also out of the real of possibilities. This is what Left wing power and control looks like people. Millions of Californians will not be able to vote for their preferred candidate. It would be fun to see a serious 3rd Party Candidate get all of Trump's votes, plus their own overtaking the totals of Kamala Harris or Joe Biden.

I’m way more concerned over their vote harvesting law.

Basically saying “let the Democratic Party vote for you”
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