Social Candace Owens has been dropped from The Daily Wire.

She used to be on the left

Candace Owens
Dave Rubin
Tulsi Gabbard

All were on the left but moved to the right because it was more lucrative.

Someone on Sam Harris's subreddit dug up a bunch of Rubin's racist blog posts from the 00s with the way back machine. He was never actually on the left either. Just a clown who'll say anything for money.
That… is an incredibly long time to be rocking the same hairstyle.

That is an indictment of her self grooming skills.

Bet money her doggy style smells like two days worth of booty mucus.
They're wigs dude.
Someone on Sam Harris's subreddit dug up a bunch of Rubin's racist blog posts from the 00s with the way back machine. He was never actually on the left either. Just a clown who'll say anything for money.
I would love to hear some of these posts that some would deem "Racist"...because honestly I have no idea what that word means anymore.
So a civilian? Painting with a wide brush there buddy. What percentage do you think Ben Crump managed to grift compared to donny's total? 0.00000000000000000001%?
What percentage of liberals even know who Ben Crump is? I've seen his name a couple of times here and nowhere else ever. Definitely couldn't pick him out of a lineup or tell you what he does for a living. And I'm much more interested in politics than the average person. I think that really says it all about the difference, even granting that idiot's point (and I wouldn't trust anything Nostra says without evidence).
I'm not a fan of Candace but I doubt she'll pull that old tired self victimized "black card" nonsense

She already has, she just blamed someone else for it.
What percentage of liberals even know who Ben Crump is? I've seen his name a couple of times here and nowhere else ever. Definitely couldn't pick him out of a lineup or tell you what he does for a living. And I'm much more interested in politics than the average person. I think that really says it all about the difference, even granting that idiot's point (and I wouldn't trust anything Nostra says without evidence).

Apparently the guys an attorney and the "grift," is that some plaintiffs raised money on gofundme to hire him.

Ignoring the stupidity of the "two wrongs," argument, if this is the best comparison the right can give for grifters on the level of trump and others, it's easy to see which side is worse.
Apparently the guys an attorney and the "grift," is that some plaintiffs raised money on gofundme to hire him.

Ignoring the stupidity of the "two wrongs," argument, if this is the best comparison the right can give for grifters on the level of trump and others, it's easy to see which side is worse.
Yeah. And the difference comes down to the whole rightist media sphere. Liberals overwhelmingly go to mainstream sources for news, while rightists overwhelmingly go to rightist sources. I'm aware that a lot of rightists think that those are just mirror images, but I think anyone reading the NYT and Breitbart or something can see a huge difference in terms of standards (writing quality, ethics, balance, etc.). That means there's a quick avenue for rightists to get a big audience of rightists, while a liberal has to do the boring work of serious journalism for a while to get a similar following. That's also why people who start trying to cater to the left tend to move toward being rightist CTers (see Dore, Brand, and others--even Greenwald, who started on the far right, was reaching out to the left at one time before seeing where the real money was in that game).
Do these type of people exist on the left, or is grifting an easier past time on the right? Maybe I don't pay attention enough but it seems like I only ever see these type of people on the right side of the political spectrum.

When you say these types of people do you mean crazy, melodramtic, or or a prostitute that will say anything for clicks. Either way, yes, but they don't generally have the same following conservatives do.

Like Jimmy Dore went so far to the left that he looped around the spectrum and landed on Tucker Carlson. Russel Brand was a lefty (doing social commentary not politics or news) but now he's just a crazy person. Anna Kasparian will fight with people she agrees with on 95% of everything, and not little disagreemnets fights as if they had raped her mother.

And they're all prostitutes. Talking heads are not dignified people.

Conservative commentator Candace Owens is out at the Daily Wire, the company announced Friday.

In a social media post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing wrote “Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship.”

Boreing did not provide any additional details on what led to the separation. The Hill has reached out to the Daily Wire for additional comment.

Can we pause for a second to chuckle at Mr. Boreing?
Aw, you poor guy. Hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you notice a "grift" coming from the other "side", and none from your own, it's because you're the one being grifted.
No political talking head gets a dime from me, so no. But thanks for the examples, there must be a ton out there.
She already has, she just blamed someone else for it.
Who? The owner of her company is Jewish and did not like her stance on the Israel/Pal conflict. Pretty cut and dry. She doesn't need to place "blame" that is why she was let go. This conflict will end up costing many people jobs and friendships. Many of the squad have alienated themselves from other Dems. Heads of Universities have been let go. This is a powder keg. Like her or not, she has a following, and not every conservative is pro Israel, or at least share her view that the issues are complex.
Yawn. Saw the grift from the very beginning. Doesn't mean that everything she says is wrong or a lie but she was certainly not someone I would ever trust to get information from.

Shapiro says a lot of good stuff but he's also so biased about Israel that he cannot be trusted at all when it comes to the subject. Sucks because he's about as knowledgeable as it gets with Israel but you aren't getting a fair shake if you listen to anything he says about it.
Apparently the guys an attorney and the "grift," is that some plaintiffs raised money on gofundme to hire him.

Ignoring the stupidity of the "two wrongs," argument, if this is the best comparison the right can give for grifters on the level of trump and others, it's easy to see which side is worse.
You don't think Biden "grifted" black voters? "You aren't black enough if you don't vote for me" "I marched in the civil rights movement" (lie) I can tell you plenty feel grifted and have spoken up about it with the Migrant crisis. I think Biden is the worst of all of them. "Come here, we will take you all" "Don't come anymore". "I was raised in a Puerto Rican community"....If he isn't a grift he is just full of shit.
Or...they just grew up and came to their senses.
"Came to their senses" = abandon every policy they supported in less than a year? Nah, that's a grifter.

It's not just about switching parties. People can definitely change their opinions over time but when someone completely flips all of their positions all of a sudden and starts cultivating a following that's the definition of grifter.

Don't fall for their BS just because they seem to be representing your "team." Recognize they are all about the money and don't actually believe in anything. Candace Owens literally left the left because they got mad she wanted to dox people for having opinions online. Not because she "came to her senses". This is the same chick who was saying Trump had a small penis. She is not an honest person.
Who? The owner of her company is Jewish and did not like her stance on the Israel/Pal conflict. Pretty cut and dry. She doesn't need to place "blame" that is why she was let go. This conflict will end up costing many people jobs and friendships. Many of the squad have alienated themselves from other Dems. Heads of Universities have been let go. This is a powder keg. Like her or not, she has a following, and not every conservative is pro Israel, or at least share her view that the issues are complex.

She has had a discrimination lawsuit in her past and now claims people put her up to it. That's what I was talking about. As if people haven't put her up to tons of sh*t since then.

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