Christina Williams' feet

Yeah but none of the other's fighters feet looked like that throughout the event.

Seems like she may have put something stick on her feet to gain traction.
Maybe. Or it could be one particular logo, like the matte black monster logo, that not everyone steps on. Or maybe she stuffed a takedown and it ground her feet against it which rubbed it off. Or maybe she stepped on something on her way into the cage.
Walked on a dirty floor on the way to the octagon?
Yeah but none of the other's fighters feet looked like that throughout the event.

Seems like she may have put something stick on her feet to gain traction.

Rosin/pitch, like used in some other sports for grip
Probably gangrene/necrosis.
Fighter pay is a joke, she had to drive to the arena like Fred Flintstone.
Fighter pay is a joke, she had to drive to the arena like Fred Flintstone.

Its worse, she has to take public transportation to the arena, and can't afford shoes

Ha! I got a kick out of this thread
The print on the mat didn't dry correctly so some of the ink rubbed off on her feet. Didn't think that one would trip people up.

And please, other people, don't post gross-out pictures of feet, nobody wants to see that.

I like feet
pvzs fake tits

(anyone need a new avatar?)

I have issues. I just spent five minutes looking for that picture on the Internet. Couldn’t find it… Leaving disappointed

On the plus side I found a picture of one of her opponents, Kaillin Karan,Or something like that. She was very easy on the eyes