Congressman: Rising sea level caused by more dirt on ocean floor

Just remember in the last election not ONE republican candidate said they believed in climate change.
Everything washes into the ocean.

Oils on roads, fertilizers on grasses and natural debris.

That is why after a heavy rain , many beaches are closed for a few days.

Dredging is a constant battle in ponds and oceans across the world.

Nothing is a 100% cause, but it contributes.

True, but we've had erosion ever since it began to rain on earth. Has erosion been particularly heavy tor anomalous these past few decades that we'd have to consider it as an extraneous factor?
True, but we've had erosion ever since it began to rain on earth. Has erosion been particularly heavy tor anomalous these past few decades that we'd have to consider it as an extraneous factor?

It was an extraneous factor to begin with.

You could remove the entirety of all fish species from the ocean and you'd only adjust the displacement level of the ocean like 6 microns. The shit is big. This is dumping a grain of sand in a swimming pool and saying the sand caused the pool to overflow.
Just remember in the last election not ONE republican candidate said they believed in climate change.
The exception was Kasich, but he objects to big gubment protecting the environment, so it's really not much different than denial.
That's fair but tbh I'm not a huge fan of whataboutisms. I try not to engage in them myself when someone points out some stupid shit on the left because all it does it get us to jump into our usual trenches and that's not helpful.

None of this is helpful . . .
lol i was agreeing with you if that was unclear

Oh if you read your post it makes it seem like you’re saying I’m in a cult that believes in science and I’m stupid for doing so.

Now that’s cleared up have a good day and apologies for the miscommunication
Hahaha lold at the Islands topling over.

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