congresswoman exposes deep state's activity behind Ben Carson hitjob

I assumed the purchase went like this:

Someone in the procurement office sent an email stating: "The financial year is coming to a close. I see that your office has a budget of $31,000 left for the fiscal year. If you don't use up the entire budget this year, your budget will shrink next year."

Someone in Carson's office: "Oh, shit, looks like we have to spend a bunch of money quick or else our budget next year will be smaller."

Someone else in Carson's office: "We don't need any new photocopy machines, TVs for the waiting room, or subscriptions to new periodicals. Any idea what we can spend the money on?"

First person from Carson's office: "Hey, let's flip through this catalog of expensive office furniture. There has to be something that will take a bite out of our budget. Someone ring Mrs. Carson and let her decide. After all, we can't lose that money."
Trillion dollars gone for non existent shovel ready jobs and you dumb fucks get worked up over 31k? That’s a rounding error for toilet paper in the senate

You Trumpanzees were raving and ranting about "draining the swamp", "no Hillary corruption" bla bla bla. Now that Donny DumDum has filled the swamp to historic levels a 31k coffee table is "just a rounding error". Do Trumptards have any principles left they will not abandon over tribalism and blind worship of their orange idol?
Carson is a coward.

Makes his wife take the blame? Should have taken the hit himself.
Trillion dollars gone for non existent shovel ready jobs and you dumb fucks get worked up over 31k? That’s a rounding error for toilet paper in the senate

You need to own this and stop being an insufferable cunt every time somebody from your team gets caught grifting, which has been a lot lately. Either that or shit your stupid fucking face about government waste forever. It's not like this is an isolated incident within the Trump admin.
This whole deep state thing is about the most unamerican thing I’ve seen take a real hold with a lot of people and leak into the mainstream.
Thanks a lot Oba... I mean, Deep State.

You had it right the first time.

OBAᗺO did this.

I assumed the purchase went like this:

Someone in the procurement office sent an email stating: "The financial year is coming to a close. I see that your office has a budget of $31,000 left for the fiscal year. If you don't use up the entire budget this year, your budget will shrink next year."

Someone in Carson's office: "Oh, shit, looks like we have to spend a bunch of money quick or else our budget next year will be smaller."

Someone else in Carson's office: "We don't need any new photocopy machines, TVs for the waiting room, or subscriptions to new periodicals. Any idea what we can spend the money on?"

First person from Carson's office: "Hey, let's flip through this catalog of expensive office furniture. There has to be something that will take a bite out of our budget. Someone ring Mrs. Carson and let her decide. After all, we can't lose that money."
This is almost exactly the plot from an episode of The Office
not that i dont believe this particular case but, dont use the daily fail as a credible source man, its the uk version of fox news in print form
I just picked the sites because they were the first searches that came up with pictures of the furniture.
Only one man has the experience to go deep enough to get to the core of the, "Deep State".


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