News Conor McGregor sucker punches elderly man in Irish Bar (Video Released)

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The original report in April from Dublin Live:

Garda probe after man says he was punched by Conor McGregor in pub brawl

A MAN has told Gardai Conor McGregor punched him in a bar bust up.

The controversial MMA fighter, 30, was allegedly involved in a brawl when a punter confronted him in Dublin’s Drimnagh.

Gardai confirmed yesterday they are investigating an alleged assault at the Marble Arch pub on Saturday.

Sources have confirmed the alleged victim told cops the fighter, back home after an extended stay in the US, punched him after a verbal exchange.

One said: “McGregor was being a show-off in the pub and one man didn’t like it and went up to have a word with him.”

A second source said that before the alleged punch-up, someone approached McGregor, saying: “The Russian battered you.”

This was a jibe over Khabib Nurmagomedov, the Russian fighter who beat McGregor in a fight for the UFC lightweight title last October.

One local punter told the Irish Mirror the alleged bust-up happened inside the bar.

He said: “There was a bit of a commotion, he [McGregor] was acting the mick and there was an incident.

“There weren’t many people in the bar at the time. There was drink involved.

“The man that was allegedly assaulted is from Ballyfermot and drinks in the pub a good bit.”

The Notorious had been out partying after attending an amateur fight night in the nearby Green Isle Hotel in Clondalkin, Dublin, on Friday night.

The hotel posted on their Facebook page that they were “delighted to welcome Conor McGregor”.

. . .

In a statement to Dublin Live last night, a Garda spokesperson said: “Gardai are investigating an incident at a pub in Drimnagh, Dublin on April 6, 2019.

“No arrests have been made. Investigations are ongoing.”

Dublin Live has contacted representatives for Conor McGregor for comment.
Conor is such a dirt bag, I can't believe that he's so full of himself that he had to punch an elderly man because the man said the Russian whooped Conor's ass? That's beyond what I would call having an inflated ego, geez.
That old man was just gifted a red panty night from the settlement out of court.
Anyone notice the timestamp?

2.40pm on a Saturday lmao

He can't handle his shit whiskey.

Stay at home Conor, only grown ups can handle the day session.
Is this a joke that keeps getting repeated over and over in this thread?

I dont see this in the video.


Conor is holding a bottle preparing to pour shots. Twice he sets a cup in front of the old man and twice the old man moves the cup away from him. He clearly did not want the whiskey. So Conor sucker punched him.

Timestamp 23 seconds.
if all he said was "go fuck yourself" then no.

but I am a firm believer that if you talk the talk, you better be prepared to fucking walk the walk. aka talk shit get your wig split. maybe the old man called Conor a bitch and said he would bang Dee or something.

sucker punch, sure. but if you are going to say something inflammatory you should already be defending yourself. Assume the other guy would NEVER actually hit you is bitch shit.

Disclaimer: the old man could be completely and totally innocent and Conor could just be an asshole losing his mind to drugs, tho. I'm just saying, we don't know the full story.
I knew you were dumb, but GOTTDAMMIT I didn't think you were this bad. A lot of you silly fucks can't accept the fact that McGregor is a real life bully and hot head. It isn't all just an act.

Personally I'm not surprised. I just would expect someone to make smarter decisions. Even if that guy grabbed his grandmother's ass, which obviously didn't happen, Conor could have him hurt without lifting a finger. There is NO excuse for a pro fighter at the highest level to be out in public personally assaulting people let alone senior citizens.

By the way, I'd still enjoy his it's not about being a hater.
Old man after getting hit: go home lad you'r drunk. No wonder the Russian beat ya, you hit like a girl.
I am a firm supporter of if you say certain things be prepared for what comes your way, but some of you have to be trolling.

He was sitting and not even looking at him, plus he's old AF lmao who hits old people? Like, really? You're so tough you're gonna pick on someone weak (relative to yourself)? how can anyone try to defend this lol

If this is how he reacts I'm shocked he hasn't been accused of putting his hands on women.
Drinking whisky at 2 in the afternoon? Oof.
Christ, Conor can't even knock out geriatrics with Dat Left nowadays.

"Touch of Death" is long gone.
The strangest thing about it is that it doesnt even look like the guy said anything to Conor.
The guy apparently told Conor that the Russian beat his ass. Which is true and no reason to punch anybody, especially the elderly. Try and picture someone like DC or Stipe hitting some old man because the old man told them they lost, I can;t picture it.
And the funniest thing is, I am sure that reading through all the comments Conor will be angry cause he didn't ko the old guy, not because he made this incident. I am sure he thinks that: 'the incident had to be done'
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