

Black Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 25, 2002
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I want to learn to cook.

What is the best way to learn cooking?

Reading cook books or trail and error or following a cooking course?
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start with your favorite dine out meals and google the recipes.

trial and error those until you make something you're happy with. it'll give you an idea of how much spice, salt, butter, or oil you like. which is great to know when expanding to more kinds of food.
Think of something you like to eat then Google the recipe.

Holy fuck i can't believe i just had to type that, are you that retarded?
If serious cooking school...if interest is purely recreational, YT..
Trial and error. If you fuck up, then you can eat your mangled concoction and learn from your mistakes. Having an eye for detail helps as well.
I learned how to cook before youtube.

Can't believe how many failed okonomiyaki I had to eat.
follow a recipe from somewhere online/watch youtube and start basic.

Its really not hard.
start with your favorite dine out meals and google the recipes.

trial and error those until you make something you're happy with. it'll give you an idea of how much spice, salt, butter, or oil you like. which is great to know when expanding to more kinds of food.
this... and take good notes as you cook. Invest in timers, thermometers and measureing devices and a scale. Take notes on all these things. I didn't learn to cook that way and regret it now.

The good thing about trying to cook something that you like when you eat out is you get a reference point.
read a recipe and/or watch a youtube video on that recipe.

cook it. taste and try to identify what could be better, but if you like the idea of the dish/flavor combinations, then repeat the recipe again some days later with modifications.
Watch some videos on cutting technique so you don't accidentally chop your fingers off. That and you learn how to cut ingredients more efficiently to save time. That was one of the most important things I've learned.
Ive learned to make all kinds of shit from YouTube and online recipes. Today I'm going to make spicy pickles and street tacos. I try to make something new every time I got grocery shopping.
I say try some easy stuff first. I started with really easy stuff like pasta salad (which you just cut up vegetables, cook pasta and add dressing). Start small and work up to stuff. The toughest part will be getting timing down so everything comes out hot. It’s a fun hobby and one of my favorite things to do.
Definitely watch videos, the visuals will be far more helpful than just reading a recipe. I'd recommend Food Wishes, lots of really good recipes and the guy has a very nice voice
Trial and error or see if there are any culinary schools in your area, as they have classes for people wanting to cook etc.
Befriend a few of your friends grandma's,

Preferably as many cultures as possible...

Most grandma's are gangsta when it comes to home cooking. They are also sometimes lonely.

Offer to bring over some wine, listen to their stories, take some hands on cooking lessons and who knows where some vino and good food will lead you on your journey...
Joy of cooking is a great recipe book, better than most of the recipes I get off the internet.

Post number two said it all, trial and error. Start making stuff and you will develop the skills to do it better and better each time. It takes practice.