Cool Francis Ngannou pics


Steel Belt
Dec 17, 2015
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I just found these pretty cool. Kinda put things in perspective. In 2011 when Junior was on top of the world, who would've thought a skinny cameroonian dude would eventually TKO him and becoming the scariest fighter in the UFC?

We are watching some spectacular champions right now, but who knows who's out there? Some completely unknown guy right now, could very well KO Usman in the not so distant future. Crazy!
You are obviously biased, and you can't be neutral when you judges Francis pics.

They are ok pics
It's almost as if JDS has been fighting much longer and is near the end of his career.

Mind-boggling stuff.
It’s kind of douchey imo. It’s not like JDS started with the belt lol. The man was fighting tough competition for years before he ever even won it. He’s also been over the hill for the last five years.
I just checked out their ages - I was surprised to discover its only a 3-year difference, which is crazy as Francis' career is clearly on the rise and JDS has been on the decline for a while.
Sweet purse!
He did not look skinny in 2011. Lol r u blind.
I don't get what's crazy about this. Obviously the next batch of fighters and champions are all somewhere out there not being fighters and champions.
Lol this. Someday someone will likely be able to do a similar collage of themselves and francis at his peak, and downfall.

Time is a thing guys.

Thanks for clarifying. Never realized time is a thing.
I just checked out their ages - I was surprised to discover its only a 3-year difference, which is crazy as Francis' career is clearly on the rise and JDS has been on the decline for a while.
JDS is much older in terms of 'fight age', and has a lot more top 10 wins.
One of the worst things to come out of the internet age is all these false motivational memes that make no sense.