International Coronavirus Breaking News, v13: Over 21,000 Healthcare Workers From Around The U.S Heading To N.Y

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So now travel is essentially over worldwide. Only returnees.
Citizens who show any symptoms will not be allowed in even without tests! Wow
To be fair, there was a conflicting source that was posted against that. It's not like it was pulled out of thin air. May have been premature to say debunked, as you stated.
Agreed, it's great to see conflicting reports but it's really premature to assert that something is debunked.
Was supposed to give a statement/address at 11, still nothing yet. Guess it's not that important or he's having trouble deciding on a costume to wear.
His handling of Iran killing his people was sad and pathetic.
Isn't a given that Trudeau is infected? Living in the same house as someone who is confirmed he would almost assuredly have to. He has not been tested and has shown no signs of doing so. So if he shows no symptoms when his 14 day quarantine is up does he just go back to normal without being tested? We know that incubation periods can be quite long lasting.

Think they live seperately.

Has anyone had contact with him since he has been isolating? Do we know he isn't dead?

They don't live in the same house. She is only his wife on paper. They probably haven't seen each other months. No, I'm not joking either. He is literally a cuck who lives in a separate residence from his wife.

Sophie is Justin's beard. He lives with his long term boyfriend in the cuck shed since a couple of years back and she's pursuing BBC in her separate quarters.
"He wont shut the borders because of political correctness".

That was the reason, but now these idiots are realizing their grave mistake.

They spent weeks pumping out articles saying closing borders makes the virus worse and causes panic. Protective measures and gear hurts feels and scares people.

You will see no panic.
Canada banning travel but still letting in USA for now? Kind of dumb leaving the backdoor open?
Didn’t take Trudeau long to bring up indigenous peoples lolz
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