International ***COVID-19 Breaking News v19: U.S. coronavirus deaths top 100,000***

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An economist would focus on what's best for the economy just as physicians focus on physical health. Both are incomplete approaches to such a complex and far reaching problem. The current "save every life at all costs" approach puts me in mind of people against assisted death at all costs. Quality of life must be taken into account, especially if one is to buy into the "we're all in this together" line.

Obviously we're not all in it together if we're so willing to dismiss others concerns. That much is obvious.

The idea of "We must do anything to save even a single life," is definitely dangerous. Even when politicians don't overtly say the words, it appears that a lot of them are implicitly making decisions based on that ethos. It's a naive belief that assumes that a utopic result is possible. Modern people are pretty fragile; it probably appeals to the electorate base because they feel entitled to a life without discomfort or the smallest amount of risk. In practice that kind of mindset often leads to ignoring the needs of many people in order a save a minority, creating a greater harm. I think the big question mark of the crisis will be the long term economic effects, and as usual it'll be young people who pay for it the most.
23,634 Americans have died from COVID in the past week.

That's more than the estimated total deaths from the flu in the 2019-2020 season (22,000).

Well probably hit 400k by the weekend, that's 100k dead in about 1 month.
Population density of the big Cali cities makes it hella hard with all the shared transportation and tight living arrangements. Shared HVAC of large apartments is killer.

You know no one thinks you're clever by going herp derp mask not perfect gotcha. Masking reduces transmission by 50-80%. Even with that help eventually a critical point gets reached with community spread

Also, it's not just public setting spread. Hanging out with friends, which practically everyone is doing again now, is the largest source of exposure. And people aren't wearing a mask while in living room with two closest friends even though one of them could have picked it up from work or different friend circle no matter how small a circle people are trying to keep.
Definitely part of it. And, as bad as California is being hit right now, they are still nr. 39th in states when considering per capita deaths. That'll increase soon enough with the rate they are going at, but relatively they've done very well. So far.
We just had a complete FAILURE in the supply of OXYGEN for one of the mosted hitted capitals in Brasil, Manaus just imploded, hope that gets everyone else more prepared, multiple reports now of a entire wing of hospital dying WITHOUT AIR, possible life long complications for those who survived!

Patients now bbeing transfer to other states. (With some new variant involved there also)

Covid: AM enviará pacientes a outros estados e terá toque de recolher (
Oxigênio acaba em hospitais de Manaus; pesquisador diz que leitos viraram câmara de asfixia - 14/01/2021 - Mônica Bergamo - Folha (
Definitely part of it. And, as bad as California is being hit right now, they are still nr. 39th in states when considering per capita deaths. That'll increase soon enough with the rate they are going at, but relatively they've done very well. So far.

Their death per capita since the new year is only behind Arizona, Alabama, and Pennsylvania I believe. California is also such a large area and that Oregon/Washington's death rate 1/3 of California's I would assume that there is a stark difference in NorCal and SoCal for death rates. The death rate is also increases an additional 12% each week since the middle of December.

They are not at the "relatively done well" stage of the pandemic response.
Their death per capita since the new year is only behind Arizona, Alabama, and Pennsylvania I believe. California is also such a large area and that Oregon/Washington's death rate 1/3 of California's I would assume that there is a stark difference in NorCal and SoCal for death rates. The death rate is also increases an additional 12% each week since the middle of December.

They are not at the "relatively done well" stage of the pandemic response.
Didn't I just say that they are being hit hard right now and with the current trend they wont stay where they are? Doesn't change the fact that they have done relatively well, so far. The caveat was that it's changing, which is what the so far implied. Don't really understand the point of your post.
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Didn't I just say that they bare being hit hard right now and with the current trend they wont stay where they are? Doesn't change the fact that they have done relatively well, so far. The caveat was that it's changed, which is what the so far implied. Don't really understand the point of your post.

Point is I think they are far worse off than even the numbers seem to indicate. Projections based on the IHME suggest another 30k deaths in California by end of February based on the rate of spread and unavailability of hospital beds.
Point is I think they are far worse off than even the numbers seem to indicate. Projections based on the IHME suggest another 30k deaths in California by end of February based on the rate of spread and unavailability of hospital beds.
I don't know how stringently you've been following IHME projections, but they've been very unrealiable during spikes. But it's certainly possible, and hospital rates are rising at an alarming rate. If they did reach 60k deaths by March, then they would have roughly 1600 deaths per million. That would barely put them at the 10th spot today. By March, I wouldn't be surprised if 20-30 states have higher deaths per million than that.
This is not being reported as a covid death, but - Goodnight, sweet prince. RIP
Dr. Harold Bornstein 1947-2021
So after a few months only now in America Newsweek says well. Lockdowns have no clear benefits.

Never mind the closer of business.
COVID Lockdowns Have No Clear Benefit vs Other Voluntary Measures, International Study Shows
"We do not question the role of all public health interventions, or of coordinated communications about the epidemic, but we fail to find an additional benefit of stay-at-home orders and business closures," the research added.

The efficacy of lockdown orders has been a hotly debated topic since the start of the pandemic.
At least I get to work from home and not deal with my coworkers.
The article says other studies show that lockdowns across Europe and China did stop the virus from infecting millions of more people.

LOL @ believing China stopped the pandemic and that their death total is less than Canada's.

You gotta be extra special to believe that. They're laughing their asses off, as they get on with it with no fucks given and boosting their economy, while the rest of us fret over it.
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