Elections DC Protest/Riot Megathread ***V2***

This Legit Shoot Here? & Should BLM/Antifa Have Received The Same At Police Stations & Court Houses?

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Because they place an R after your name doesn't mean you aren't a piece of shit. Pence, and especially Loeffler proved that. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. When politicians stand up there and proclaim they are willing to stand for justice and fair elections, then they shit on the people they promised hours before, bad things are bound to happen.

In fact, many Republicans (45%) actively support the actions of those at the Capitol, although as many expressed their opposition (43%).

Among all voters, almost two-thirds (63%) say that they “strongly” oppose the actions taken by President Trump’s supporters, with another 8% say they “somewhat” oppose what has happened.

Overall, one in five voters (21%) say they support the goings-on at the Capitol. Those who believe that voter fraud took place and affected the election outcome are especially likely to feel that today’s events were justified, at 56%.


What can one even say at this point? Banana Republicans.

I support the protests up until they felt the need to breach the Capitol and begin destroying property.

Marching to express your views is one thing. Destroying property like that and endangering lives is stupidity.
I support the protests up until they felt the need to breach the Capitol and begin destroying property.

Marching to express your views is one thing. Destroying property like that and endangering lives is stupidity.

They didn't simply destroy property. They were searching for members of congress to physically harm them for certifying Biden's win.
I support the protests up until they felt the need to breach the Capitol and begin destroying property.

Marching to express your views is one thing. Destroying property like that and endangering lives is stupidity.
This will be the gop line in the future. Completely forget that trump was trying illegally to force the government to keep him in power
I’m sorry, but you are likely bitter because your life sucks. Lack of opportunity and economic mobility. The Republicans have been amazing at getting poorly educated Americans to vote against their interests for decades.

There are many legitimate reasons for Americans to be angry at their politicians and massive economic inequality, lack of access to reasonably priced education and health care being among them. The answer does not lie in committing treason. It lies in not voting in your own disinterest and actually fighting for real change and access to services and opportunities that are taken for granted in pretty much any other western nation.
"Leftists" didn't storm the Capitol in order to overthrow fair elections while waving Trump's flag over the American flag.

That's literally terrorism. That's ISIS shit. You're a terrorist enabler.
I agree! Only a terrorist would dare breach a building.

Wait, whats this!?!?!?

Protesters are arrested as they sit and block the 2nd floor Dirksen Senate Office Building hallway on the same floor of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Brett Kavanaugh for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on Sept. 28, 2018 in Washington.
Trump was calling out the media with their bullshit bias takes and inflammatory narratives. Biden will just take a nap on it though. And this unrest by a large chunk of the American people will continue on. And you will all act confused.

i dont think this post addresses anything i think or is even very relevant to what is going on. and its rude.
To understand how a group of people get to the point where they act irrational and start storming government buildings is to dive a bit deeper then to pass it off as "but Trump"

So when you continue to have civil unrest after Trump is out of office, I'm sure you are going to then parrot the "they are all white nationalists" nonsense...when the reality is they have been pissed on relentlessly by the libtard media for holding conservative values.
I agree! Only a terrorist would dare breach a building.

Wait, whats this!?!?!?

Protesters are arrested as they sit and block the 2nd floor Dirksen Senate Office Building hallway on the same floor of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Brett Kavanaugh for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on Sept. 28, 2018 in Washington.
I'm not sure those two instances are necessarily comparable. As far as I remember those women stood in the hallways and chanted but weren't destroying property?
Lol remember how these people are supposedly "shy" and afraid to show support for Trump to pollsters...

and that is totally the reason why traditional polling methods are always way outside the margins of error when, and only when, the convicted fraudster is on the ticket...

and totally not because his lunatic insurrectionist supporters are committing mass voter fraud of their own...

I'm not sure those two instances are necessarily comparable. As far as I remember those women stood in the hallways and chanted but weren't destroying property?
If they broken some stuff then they would be ISIS terrorists?
I'm not sure those two instances are necessarily comparable. As far as I remember those women stood in the hallways and chanted but weren't destroying property?
Im fairly sure they did not break in or kill any cops either.
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In fact, many Republicans (45%) actively support the actions of those at the Capitol, although as many expressed their opposition (43%).

Among all voters, almost two-thirds (63%) say that they “strongly” oppose the actions taken by President Trump’s supporters, with another 8% say they “somewhat” oppose what has happened.

Overall, one in five voters (21%) say they support the goings-on at the Capitol. Those who believe that voter fraud took place and affected the election outcome are especially likely to feel that today’s events were justified, at 56%.


What can one even say at this point? Banana Republicans.

UPDATE: "A YouGov Direct poll of 1,397 registered voters" <-- so this is everyone. No breakdown of HOW MANY "REPUBLICANS" in the poll.....was it 20? 1300?
Any proof they actually were republicans?

PLEASE BE INTELLIGENT: know that the polls are NOT really 45% of republicans. It is an 45% of an UNKNOWN number of people who reported as republican with a maximum number of 1397.

This is a very small sample size. Show me Gallup poll or something with real numbers.
If they broken some stuff then they would be ISIS terrorists?
No, if the Kavanaugh protestors had destroyed property I wouldn't consider them ISIS terrorists. I don't consider BLM, Antifa, or MAGA rioters on par with ISIS terrorists either.
I agree! Only a terrorist would dare breach a building.

Wait, whats this!?!?!?

Protesters are arrested as they sit and block the 2nd floor Dirksen Senate Office Building hallway on the same floor of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Brett Kavanaugh for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on Sept. 28, 2018 in Washington.
>The Federalist
lol nice source op

Really? Pfft:
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