Defense Soap.. worth it?

We stock our showers with Defense Soap at my gym and we have never had a skin problem from anybody. That being said we wash the mats every night as well.

You would be best with our shower gel. It is in a coconut oil base which would be good for your eczema.

Defense Soap
I didn't read all 27 pages. Did Guy post a double-blind, placebo controlled study yet?
We are having a hard time finding a group who wants to be infected with staph and ringworm to see if our soap will prevent it. We are kind of stuck with invitro studies currently.

Defense Soap
Only a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial is going to confirm the effectiveness of your soap. Saying you can't find volunteers for a study is a cop-out.
As you admitted you did not read the 27 pages that illustrates that we are not copping out to anything. We do not make claims. We offer samples, clinical studies and a money back guarantee. If Defense isn't for you don't use it. We have 10s of thousands of satisfied customers who will argue the difference with you.

Defense Soap
Can you show me any study anywhere in the world where it intentionally exposed it's participants to an infectious disease. It is unethical and unheard of. The dilemma is that our soap is a preventative not a cure. A double blind study would be appropriate for a medicine that cures.

Defense Soap
Any chance this will be stocked anywhere in Australia any time soon? How much is shipping?
MMA Soap Australia and MMA Fight Soap both carry Defense Soap down under.

Defense Soap
Please note that I did not read through this thread, as it is 27 pages long.

I purchased a large order of defense soap quite a while back. It was my go to soap for after training because of the tea tree oil it contained. I stopped training for about a year, and that following christmas I got a small package from Guy at Defense Soap as a free gift. It was wipes and a shampoo or body wash. That right there made me say to myself "When I start training again, I'm going to place another order."

Well I recently started training again and I'll be placing an order with Guy on my next paycheck. I don't know what's the best soap, but I do know that Defense Soap works and Guy treats his customers well.
We do not make claims.

I only read the first 3 or 4 pages and you already claimed that it 1. is a probiotic 2. does not deplete your flora 3. kills just the right amount of bacteria to prevent infections and 4. "quite possibly" would have prevented whatever condition SuperRambo went to the dermatologist about. All these are claims.

Can you show me any study anywhere in the world where it intentionally exposed it's participants to an infectious disease. It is unethical and unheard of.

If you think it's unheard of, it's only because you really don't know what you're talking about. And you wouldn't even need to intentionally expose participants anyway.
Can you explain how we can do a study without intentionally infecting a group in order to monitor the level of protection.

Defense Soap
If you think it's unheard of, it's only because you really don't know what you're talking about. And you wouldn't even need to intentionally expose participants anyway.

at this point you are talking out of your ass and don't know shit.

tests are done on people with the infection/disease/whatever in tests like this.

why don't you volunteer to be a guinea pig for staph or stfu already
Seeing as some people carry staph and other infections without symptom and others have minor infections already, you could test out on them.

Or follow people over time including a control group to see what their skin flora looks like and who gets the most infections. I'm sure clever experimantalists can come to with numerous other tests.

Deliberately infecting people with dangerous levels of staph isn't the only option.

We do not claim to cure people. Our soap is a preventative.

Defense Soap

We do not claim to cure people. Our soap is a preventative.

Defense Soap

Then the test I mentioned about following two blinded groups of grapplers, one using your soap and one using normal soap, and testing their skin flora would be a suitable test for that claim. Why is that undoable or unethical?
Because you do not know who is exposed to what. If you would be willing to accept results from such a test I have customer after customer who can share their experiences with you where they trained in gyms or on teams where everyone was infected except those who used our soap. I just received one such testimonial last week regarding a wrestling team. I can tell you how we have cut down the level of skin infections for Big 10 teams such as Iowa and Illinois to the point that they order year after year.

I also received this last week.

"Hi, I wanted to write and tell you - THANK YOU! I realize that Defense products are usually used by adult athletes, but I wanted to share with you our story:

My son, Ari, was born this past December and developed a blister a few days after his birth. Then he had another one, and another, and a huge pustule... At which point his pediatrician tested him for MRSA. To our heartbreak, our newborn baby has MRSA. Because of his young age, we cannot treat him with conventional means, but on his pediatrician's orders, bathe him weekly in bleach water. The rest of the week we use Defense soap, and I love it. I also use the wipes to clean him up on non-bath nights. So far, since using Defense we haven't had anymore MRSA outbreaks and we plan to use Defense for a long time to come to keep Ari's MRSA at bay. And hopefully, one day he'll be a big, strong athlete and will still use Defense! ;)

Thank you for making Defense products, they so very important to our family."

I received this video the week before.

Here are a couple of hundred reviews for you on Amazon as well.,aps&rh=i:aps,k:defense soap

I know what your response will be because you have said it here and every other Defense Soap thread on the forum but to totally discard all these testimonials is your right but narrow minded.

Defense Soap
This thread is the best Defense Soap commercial ever. I'll probably buy a few bars, considering what it might prevent, it's well worth the money.