Delete Me (A Brokeback Memoir)

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I see my bird comment is interrupting a massive circle jerk by the Queer Crew.

Sorry fellas, carry on.
Good Job guys, Now Iflesh and TT are the shittiest posters in the subforum again....


If I was really that shitty you wouldn't have to photoshop fake screenshots in a pathetic attempt to burn me and 'build your rep'.
Grave is mouthy when he has "backup" around on the internet.... lol

You should see's he sends.

oh bejesus, talk about internet trix. I have never sent your gayass pm messages.
your reaching for that shows how queer and sad you really are.
go pet your cat.
Nothing like a good gay thread hyjack
Anyone remind ts he used to be plat?
Nothing like a good gay thread hyjack

I didn't read it but there is a 99.2% chance it was already gay. Probably not passive-aggressively though.
The only thing I know about TS is that he is really into amateur wrestling.
The only thing I know about TS is that he is really into amateur wrestling.

I hear his leg riding is top notch

My nexus 7 shit the bed
Me and android just don't see eye to eye
Meh I am getting an iPad mini for use at the office

May not be as good spec wise, but it seems to be more reliable then my nexus experience

Shitty thing is our EMR system is geared for tablets
Now I'm petite? This queer is clueless. You sound like a fool actually believing everything you're told on here. you a tip shit brick, if you aren't having a good time in here go fuck yourself. U way too serious puto!

If that was beating me up it was a failure. Don't hate me because I'm very attractive and you're in a wheelchair.

Merry Xmas TBT. Its the time of year to rejoice and be glad we are alive and have the gift of this world in front of us. Be joyous, be thankful, be nice to your fellow man and I will do the same. MERRY XMAS!!!
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