Opinion Departures and disasters: Kamala Harris might be the worst veep ever


Silver Belt
Aug 9, 2012
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"In all, about a dozen top Harris aides have fled the vice president’s office since last June. A series of reports has described Harris as a “bully” and the “common denominator” in this mass exodus, with a management style deemed “soul-destroying...”"

"...The trouble is that nobody sees Harris as an upgrade over Biden electorally — or even a future president. Her poll numbers are at least as bad as Biden’s, residing in the same basement where he dwells.

Her policy portfolio is a shambles. Immigration, one of the first issues she was tasked with handling, is arguably the administration’s biggest catastrophe. So much so that her team denies that the border itself is really her responsibility, saying that she is actually assigned the “root causes” of migration. Has she found those yet?"


She got to where she was by sex and by race. She ficked and sucked her way up to the point she was at then was made VP on the ticket for the woke vote. There had to have been other black females out there in the party better then her.
Pence wasn't any better really. Neither was Hillary's running mate in 2016. Biden at least gave substantial input regarding ACA (aka Obamacare aka Romneycare). The running joke during W's administration was Cheney was pulling the strings. I'm not sure Gore did a lot during Clinton's, admittedly I was too young. Meanwhile, the only thing memorable I know about Quayle is him misspelling potato lol Video June 15, 1992: Dan Quayle misspells 'potato' - ABC News (go.com)

VPs generally suck in my limited time on this planet. They also tend to become scapegoats whether justified or not.
She didn’t even make it far in the debates after Tulsi brought up her past. Why did they ever think she was going to be popular? She’s so damn unlikable.
It could have been worse.
She got to where she was by sex and by race. She ficked and sucked her way up to the point she was at then was made VP on the ticket for the woke vote. There had to have been other black females out there in the party better then her.

I still can't believe that's the way she got to the top. It's mind boggling really. Were these fucking politicans blind or had fetish for horses? Bitches face is shaped like a stallions.
She got to where she was by sex and by race. She ficked and sucked her way up to the point she was at then was made VP on the ticket for the woke vote. There had to have been other black females out there in the party better then her.
Her hubby is very powerful. Not a lot of talk about him but he is the real reason she got the VEEP. He is her Jared Kushner and she his puppet.