Diet Advice

I wasn't even suggesting membership anywhere, just getting a bag, hanging it yourself and doing work.

It's $150-200 for a decent bag and stand/hardware. You can get sick combos on

My point about toning is that boxing is a form of light weighted training - in other words, you work all your muscles. Not to the same degree as lifting, but its good for general maintenance.

Sorry, I've related practicing boxing with training with coach, pad work, foot work, ect. ect. Heavy bag work is a very small part of a boxer's training.

If you're just hitting the bag at home might as well throw in kicks, knees and elbows. It's fun and it'll improve your balance and overall coordination as well. Set a timer for three/five minute rounds and really push yourself while maintaining good technique.

Now as a fat slob I haven't done anything in years and have zero desire to get back into combat sports. Walking my dog is a pleasurable experience as long as you're in a nice quiet neighborhood. I've always loved swimming and can't wait to get back into it.

Weights + Swimming + LCHF will most likely be the summary of my success story.
I think the term you are looking for is calisthenics and aerobic. There is nothing lightweight about boxing, especially when your output level is 80-90%. Just because you aren't lifting weights, does not mean that exertion levels aren't high. Boxing is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. It's very demanding. There is no such thing as a "toning" exercise.

create a calorie deficit in your diet.. simple as that. Throw in some cardio 3 times a week, and you WILL lose weight. Also, drink plenty of water. I did this with great success. Lost a lot of weight, and I didnt even do the cardio part, but should have.
Well first of all by "i hate cardio" i ment, the boring type like running/treadmill. a fast paced workout where my heart is beating is fun, kickboxing a punching bag to death for as many rounds i can is fun, for the few times ive done it, grappling and light sparring(since my level of technique is low) is fun, since its not LINEAR. Sadly some of this is not an option right now as i cant add a boxing bag to my appartment and personal reasons relating to the martial arts gyms where i live. Im moving this summer though and beleive me, if theres an martial arts/mma/kickboxing gym around, it has a new member.

As for the diet, the actual amounts are still to "find", im simply trying to find a general guideline that i can finetune along the way to my needs. I dont want to count it all, so i have to find some general guidelines to get started, and from then work in a caloric deficit and workout.

i must say im happy with all the feedback im getting, and i cant wait to put it all in practice(as i said on a budget so im finishing of what i have as food until i can get some more groceries, last paycheck flew away fast -__-) in a few days: LCHF general idea with intermitent fasting and workout(workout is actualy started however and although i have yet to see that belly go down, i know its slow to start to see the changes, i have noticed a slight improvement in my biceps, so i know something is going on!)
Here you shared valuable advice for health.But I manege my diet plan with my protein shakes supplement.It's very helpful for me.
Definitely, definitely ignore this.

When breaking away from the addiction to sugar, or addiction to sweetness, removing fruit the diet is a valid strategy. It is a "gateway drug." Today you're eating an apple, tomorrow you're having a box of snickers and sucking dick for an almond roca.
When breaking away from the addiction to sugar, or addiction to sweetness, removing fruit the diet is a valid strategy. It is a "gateway drug." Today you're eating an apple, tomorrow you're having a box of snickers and sucking dick for an almond roca.

Not sure if trolling, trolling or trolling...
Not sure if trolling, trolling or trolling...

I was serious trolling. I know more than one poster here has touched on the concept, and I'm familiar with it to a certain extent, so I'll try to do the idea justice.

One of the largest problems with the American diet is that American's are addicted to sugar, and not just sugar, but the sensation of sweetness.

While fruit, in and of itself is not bad, most people trying to break away from obesity can help themselves along by cutting the sweets out of their diet, including fruit. Fruit does not have to be permanently avoided, but for a lot of people avoiding the sweetness of fruit will help them maintain discipline in their diet. My post was silly but I was going for silly/serious thing that's hip with the kids these days.
I was serious trolling. I know more than one poster here has touched on the concept, and I'm familiar with it to a certain extent, so I'll try to do the idea justice.

One of the largest problems with the American diet is that American's are addicted to sugar, and not just sugar, but the sensation of sweetness.

While fruit, in and of itself is not bad, most people trying to break away from obesity can help themselves along by cutting the sweets out of their diet, including fruit. Fruit does not have to be permanently avoided, but for a lot of people avoiding the sweetness of fruit will help them maintain discipline in their diet. My post was silly but I was going for silly/serious thing that's hip with the kids these days.

Or you can use it to help cut down on your sugar levels with the fructose you take in.

Like how heroin addicts use meth, except eating fruit actually helps and doen't make it worse.

When you're craving for sugar, you can eat fruit and you won't feel the need to eat like a candy bar or something similar.
hahaha yes i will admit i have had these "sugar cravings" when trying to reduce, good thing for me: usualy when they do happen i gobble down...frozen fruit bags. i wont lie i love the sweet taste of fruits and..well...sweet in general, being canadian i fall in that category you spoke of sadly.
Like how heroin addicts use meth, except eating fruit actually helps and doen't make it worse.

Actually, you're highlighting my exact point. I assume you're talking about methadone not methamphetamine, also. Methadone still gets heroin addicts high etc, which is the whole point. Fruit is sweet, and still satiates your desire for sweetness and sugar. Also, fructose is arguably one the worst of the sugars to consume because it has the lowest leptin response.

I'm not against fruit per say, but most beginning dieters can do themselves a great service by removing it from their diet until they are consistently avoiding all the junk food such as candy, soda, etc and have successfully broken their need for sweet.
I think generalizing all fruits as being equal shouldn't be administered. Opt for the more nutrient, fiber dense, high antioxidant fruits such as berries, tomatoes avacodo's etc, while being conscienscious of higher sugar fruits like pineapple, watermelon etc.
I think generalizing all fruits as being equal shouldn't be administered. Opt for the more nutrient, fiber dense, high antioxidant fruits such as berries, tomatoes avacodo's etc, while being conscienscious of higher sugar fruits like pineapple, watermelon etc.

Nope. If you're trying to break an addiction to sweet, you need to BREAK THE FUCKING ADDICTION. Don't tell yourself, OH DRRR THIS IS HEALTHY I CAN HAS IT. Nope. Don't fucking eat fruit until you've got your sweets under control.

Please do not confuse my statements. Fruit is fine. I'm still with the "nature's candy" crowd, but as a whole there's not much particularly wrong with small amounts of fruit, just like there isn't anything wrong with small amounts of starchy carbs (such as potatoes, rice).
I think generalizing all fruits as being equal shouldn't be administered. Opt for the more nutrient, fiber dense, high antioxidant fruits such as berries, tomatoes avacodo's etc, while being conscienscious of higher sugar fruits like pineapple, watermelon etc.

Exactly what this guy said.

Most fruits are horrible for you, essentially "natural candy" but there are some exceptions - I personally eat tomatoes and berries occasionally (every two weeks ort so), and avocado is amazing and you can eat it every day if you want.

re: hardheart

I agree with you that you should stop eating sugar wherever possible but avocado is a great example - it has the nutritional value of a really good vegetable even though it's technically a fruit. It's one of the easiest ways to get fiber and is loaded with nutrients. It has a very small amount of non-fibrous carbohydrate (4 g, only 1 g of which is sugar). Tomatoes in moderation are not the end of the world either.

I can't overstate the value of avocado for LCHF diet, because getting enough fiber without a sugar injection is a challenge in our contemporary US supermarkets.
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Diet is a common way to reduce fat and minimize weight,
you have to neglect fat and oily foods items.
This is the best way to get vitamins and minerals with out any fat,
In diet eat less protein and fat foods but use all the green foods items,
Drink water mostly, it also help in diet..
Dental Marketing
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