Do anybody still like TUF?


"My style is kneeing people in the face."
Nov 8, 2015
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I used to but it's kinda boring now...
i watch it on mute while on the treadmill. it makes a shitty hour worthwhile. i detest the treadmill. it turns out if i'm watching something that takes my mind away, it's less detest-able.

i'll do the same with the last TUF, coming soon.
Kinda indifferent. I wished they focused more on technique. Have like a Gracie breakdown minute, or Firas doing technique recaps.

I remember Marc Laimon and Jens Pulver had these web only technique vids that really should have been part of the show.
If they did a female TUF Korea, with KZ and Dooho as coaches, I’d watch it.
Then I’d watch it again.
And again.

It’s the perfect way to pick up some new female talent at 115 and 125.
And most of them are bound to be hotties.
This shit has been a dead horse to me since Nate Diaz was getting clowned by Karo the Delusional.
I used to but it's kinda boring now...
Same old stupid shit every year, so no. Every year at least one lame-ass fighter makes it to the finals and gets a shot at the UFC Octagon...that guy who got beat soundly the first time who then is brought back. He lost the first time....send the guy packing.
Gunna be a no for me dog... the garbrant dilly season was okay , other then that last one I watched was jones and sonnen lulz
Have not really watched a season since Rampage vs Rashad
I stopped watching after the Cruz/Faber season. Shit ran its course.
getting a bit repetitive and stagnant.
I would leave it on as background noise, occasionally glancing up for the training bits and then the fight. The rest was dull distanced ramblings for the most part.
I like the part where the guys fight and some of the training segments.
They should do TUF Platinum vs Sage
Only thing that could save the show
I stopped watching after they changed the theme song. The quality went down around that time.
If they did a female TUF Korea, with KZ and Dooho as coaches, I’d watch it.
Then I’d watch it again.
And again.

It’s the perfect way to pick up some new female talent at 115 and 125.
And most of them are bound to be hotties.

whats up with loser old white dudes constantly fetishizing asian women online like they all have PHDs in SexPredology?

Please carry yourself with more honor and respect.