Do average folks enjoy kung fu?

What style of Kung Fu are we talking here, or do you just mean any style? If we're just talking about for combat abilities, that could vary wildly. If we're talking about fitness benefits, I'd say most probably would be good. You can get elderly people doing Tai Chi to help with balance and give them something to do. While you could make arguments that other forms of exercise may give greater benefits, ultimately the best form of exercise is one that people will be consistent with. So if they can't stand being at the gym, but love doing whatever type of kung fu it is they practice, they'll get more benefits from that regularly than going to the gym once per month.

“the best form of exercise is one that people will be consistent with. “

This mofo wise ^^^
a lot of the movements I developed in folkstyle are extremely similar to wing chun and look how the wing chun would actually look if it worked. It is why I have both an appreciation for wing chun but can see where they are doing it wrong because I made a lot of those move work and on competitive champions.

This is interesting
What is already done in learning process against live, seriously resisting and skilled opponent is usable, of course.

Right, but what Kung Fu techniques are done against live, resisting opponents? None that I can remember from my Kung Fu training. I did Kung Fu when I was young.

Also, we all know what the most practical techniques are. They are straight punches, hands up defense, and kicks, elbows and knees. Not to mention BJJ or any other grappling arts.

Now, if you are already proficient in those, I could see taking some techniques from Kung Fu and using them in additional to all of the practical techniques described above. But not on their own. That will just get your ass beat.