Do you believe in Karma?

I don't think it's some cosmic shit beyond us

But i believe the concept is born as a good observation of human nature... most positive peoples tend to get positive feedback from others, most negative the opposite

Of course tons of factors can and will break this concept, but often it works
yes i do but in a lay buddhist interpretation of Karma not a mystical equalizing force like many new agers preach. although sometimes weird coincidences do occur and i do want to chalk it up to mysterious energies but that really is just the brian seeking to make connections and explanations for everything going on around yourself
Yeah I do. Whenever I do something nice, something good always seems to happen shortly after.
Growing up in a Hindu household, Karma served as a fundamental tenant of my life. God's system of checks and balances, do good and good will follow etc.

As I got older and my belief in organized religion began to wain (and eventually disappeared), I still held on to the concept of Karma. While the rational side of me understands that there is little causality between one's actions, and being rewarded/punished in a future time period (beyond things that are obviously linked, i.e. cheating and divorce, crime and jail), I still can't shake the feeling that I'm wracking up cosmic brownie points or penalties.

I try and live a pretty decent life, but when I do something I know I shouldn't be doing (downloading a pirated movie, watching porn etc.), I try and "buy" my salvation by doing something charitable - normally donating money to a cause of some kind.

Even though I don't believe in religion, and my belief in God is best described as "tenuous", I still feel as though karma is a real thing - an unseen balancing force in the universe.

Anybody else have any thoughts on this? Even if it isn't real, Karma seems like a useful construct to help guide one's life - alternatively, I am a simpleton holding onto irrational religious belief beat into me as a child.

What you're saying makes complete sense. I grew up Catholic but became philosophically Agnostic later in life. Despite my logical mind turning away from Catholicism, I still often find myself reverting back to a Catholic sense of right and wrong.

I also agree with your point about Karma. It is a good construct for people to live their lives, and the truth is that negative actions do often bring about negative consequences.
Anytime I get a chance to do something that people would consider bad karma I tell myself it's karma using me to get someone back. Example I went to bank they have me an extra 200 I said well karma is getting that bitch and pocket the money
I believe that you reap what you sow.
Love the AV man!

I basically agree with this theory, however you get those exceptions where it's like certain people seem to catch every break and the flip where others can't. In those cases though it's like Mr. Pink said "Well, I guess that some guys are just lucky and some ain't".
Love the AV man!

I basically agree with this theory, however you get those exceptions where it's like certain people seem to catch every break and the flip where others can't. In those cases though it's like Mr. Pink said "Well, I guess that some guys are just lucky and some ain't".
Thanks man!

Yeah, I agree. I've been both the guy who says that and also the one who gets away with stuff. There are some things I've paid dearly for, and some things I'm afraid that if the reap what you sow logic is true, I'm in deep trouble.
The Chameleon? All I know if of it is from the song.
There's consequences to actions but there are no mystical points you get for doing bad or good things. Not to mention how does one judge good or bad anyway?
I do believe however, people for the most part remember shit that they like or don't like and that being a dick does have consequences. Like a guy I know who was known for being a dick and acting like a tool and people eventually end up distancing themselves from him. I don't think he has any close friends. But who knows, even a guy like him could find the one person who, for whatever reason, finds him really enduring.
I think I'm stuck in the weird universe in which reverse karma is a thing.
If Carma was real, many people I know should've been ass-fucked with a large cactus on a daily basis. Since they can still sit, I do not believe in Carma.

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