Media Do you hold Anderson Silva's positive PED test against him?

Do you hold Anderson Silva's positive PED test against him?

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Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
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PEDs are a plague upon combat sports, no question. USADA testing has done a great job at cleaning up the vast majority of the sport.

And I'd say they're a relevant issue in all discussion about the P4P GOATs, though I don't take the discussions too seriously. They're just fun.

But I'm curious what the general consensus of Anderson Silva's positive PED test after the Nick Diaz fight.

[Go ahead and vote in the poll above, if your opinion is already solidified]

Lets look back exactly what he tested positive for -


"Anderson Silva not only tested positive for Drostanolone metabolites in a Jan. 9 out-of-competition drug test, but traces of the banned substance Androstane were also found within the legendary champion's system, according to Nevada Athletic Commission (NAC) executive director Bob Bennett.

Drostanolone is a common form of anabolic steroid. Androstane is a form of endogenous steroid hormone. Both substances are banned according to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code."

That's pretty cut and dry, right? If you're of the opinion that any PEDs positive test throws into question if the fighter was always on PEDs and this was just the first time they got caught. And Silva was not using an obscure PED that no one knew about, but a steroid & steroid hormone. Two PEDs.

But there's a sympathetic argument towards this not harming his legacy. Before the Diaz fight, this happened to him 14 months before -




Given the fact he went through THAT - possibly the most painful injury in combat sports - & an entire year of recovery that went into his fight camp for Diaz... its kinda understandable he'd take anything to aid in the healing [though if steroids aid in healing what injuries is another topic].

And he's never tested positive for anything before, or since.

So what's your opinion?
PEDs are a plague upon combat sports, no question. USADA testing has done a great job at cleaning up the vast majority of the sport.

And I'd say they're a relevant issue in all discussion about the P4P GOATs, though I don't take the discussions too seriously. They're just fun.

But I'm curious what the general consensus of Anderson Silva's positive PED test after the Nick Diaz fight.

[Go ahead and vote in the poll above, if your opinion is already solidified]

Lets look back exactly what he tested positive for -


"Anderson Silva not only tested positive for Drostanolone metabolites in a Jan. 9 out-of-competition drug test, but traces of the banned substance Androstane were also found within the legendary champion's system, according to Nevada Athletic Commission (NAC) executive director Bob Bennett.

Drostanolone is a common form of anabolic steroid. Androstane is a form of endogenous steroid hormone. Both substances are banned according to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code."

That's pretty cut and dry, right? If you're of the opinion that any PEDs positive test throws into question if the fighter was always on PEDs and this was just the first time they got caught. And Silva was not using an obscure PED that no one knew about, but a steroid & steroid hormone. Two PEDs.

But there's a sympathetic argument towards this not harming his legacy. Before the Diaz fight, this happened to him 14 months before -




Given the fact he went through THAT - possibly the most painful injury in combat sports - & an entire year of recovery that went into his fight camp for Diaz... its kinda understandable he'd take anything to aid in the healing [though if steroids aid in healing what injuries is another topic].

And he's never tested positive for anything before, or since.

So what's your opinion?

MW GOAT, yes. Easily. But not P4P GOAT.
Anderson talks about Dana, shills talk about Anderson. Repeat.
Yeah, but does the PEDs after his injury affect your opinion if he's the P4P GOAT?

Nope. He solidified his legacy before the leg break. It was over after the first Weidman loss. I’m a “PEDs irrelevant” guy. But I don’t think he’s P4P. Just MW. If he KO’s Jake Paul, he’s P4P GOAT of boxing crossovers.
Anderson talks about Dana, shills talk about Anderson. Repeat.


This thread was inspired by recent P4P thread, nothing regarding Anderson's comments about Dana or vice-versa.

And the second half of the OP is actually a defense of Silva, not a condemnation. I'm wondering if its a common opinion or not.

Regardless, its a complicated debate.
Nope. He solidified his legacy before the leg break. It was over after the first Weidman loss. I’m a “PEDs irrelevant guy”. But I don’t think he’s P4P. Just MW.

Alrighty. Thank you for your opinion.

I have 2 opinions

1) If testing positive ruins Jon Jones case for GOAT cause he popped 2x at least then Anderson 1x pop is at minimum a heavy loss for his GOAT status

2) If not caring about PED use I believe he isnt the all time GOAT on the basis of the fact he lost to cans before and was submitted by smaller Cans in Pride and also lost to Weidman at a time were if he had beat Weidman he could say he finally faced the type of opponent we always theorized would beat him only he won. However, he fought Weidman 2x and lost both times thereby lending credence to the theory that a prime Anderson would always struggle with a Rockhold, Weidman, Jacare type.

My personal opinion is a mix of the above 2. Anderson did not have other fails but we cant deny PED use amazing effects look at TRT Vitor before and after and at TRT Hendo before he was decision Dan. Now he did get KO during that time but after TRT ended he wasent competitive anymore really.
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I don’t hold it against him and I don’t hold any negative tests against anyone.

It does kinda bug me how some guys get away with no hit to their reputation and others like Anderson suffer for it though. Let’s not act like Anderson’s opponents were clean lol
People saying he just used it to come back from an injury and NOT that it just happened to be when he started to fightt under USADA testing,well that shits pretty funny to me.

People love to say thatr Pride fighters under "sanctioned competition" didnt do as well,but Anderson on the other hand,fights under USADA and pops immediatley....hmmm so he NEVER did anything before that? and miraculously fights good again upon leaving ufc? Hmmmmm