Do you still wear a mask? Who still cares about Covid-19?

No but I caught covid twice so maybe I'm not a good role model if you're trying to not get sick.

Hi, may I know the duration between your recovery to the second contract?
All my immediate family members basically contracted covid since Feb, one after another. So just curious the possible duration that they might contract again after recovery.
You lucky fucks there is still a mask mandate in Ontario.

Comrade Trudeau's fascist ally Ford hasn't lifted the mandates yet so I still have to wear them at my job and indoors.
Still need to wear masks here in stores and such.

Aside from that ... I work in customers houses and unless the specifically ask me to I go maskless.

All in all masks had very little effect on my life.
President Joe told us he's working on getting us free N95 masks and a week later all these states be like 'nah, masks are done'.. dafuq is going on? There is no genius deep state hivemind. If there is, whoever is on top is a box of rocks
Hi, may I know the duration between your recovery to the second contract?
All my immediate family members basically contracted covid since Feb, one after another. So just curious the possible duration that they might contract again after recovery.
It was like a year later.
The people that willfully policed mask mandates for a corrupt, tyrannical government and took their liberties to reserve a right to judge myself and all those who saw thru this bullshit, exaggerated response to a lab leaked coronavirus and understood Doctor Fauci at first saying masks were not necessary, then saying they were necessary, then saying 2 were necessary...

...they have to come to terms with how many of us look at them now, still wearing masks in public despite knowing the CDC, Fauci, Wollenski, Psaki, etc etc are all entirely full of shit, and think they are total fucking assholes
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I got a mask on right now.
Just left work.

Covid can go fuck itself.
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Scams usually have some kind of payoff. How did the entire world get scammed?
Is there some evil lord of the masks that orchestrated all of this? What is the benefit of having people wear masks beyond an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus ?
The Great Reset dude. illuminati. Scientology. Lizard People. The Devil. Open your eyes man. It's all connected
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I wear a mask only when there's cops around. Here in Bali the cops can stop you and fine you (meaning they'll try to get you to bribe them).
I wear it and will wear it forever because of two good reasons:

1. Avoiding food craving if I walk by a restaurant. Do not want to ruin my diet.

2. Avoid bad smells in downtown. Lots of nasty shit and I do not want to smell it.

Add to it is that some days I am cutting carbs and I have bad breath. Mask literally masks the smells. Some other days, I may grow a beard which looks shit on me. Too lazy to shave, a mask will cover it.
They are getting rid of these dumb mask mandates in my state come Friday but I already know some businesses and plenty of people who will continue to wear masks which is their choice

Here's the thing I've always wanted to know since this whole mask mandate started: if a virus can 'leak' from a high security research facility in Wuhan, and according to reports, has been found in Antartica where there is literally nothing but cold and darkness, how the hell can any masks stop COVID from spreading? Also, it's an airborne virus so it could still get in your eyes unless you are wearing goggles, too

I could totally understand all the mandates if the coronavirus was transmitted mostly through contact with the infected but airborne?! No amount of lockdowns, vaccines, masks, or social distancing would have stopped it from spreading. Even Dr. Fauci admitted as much back in February 2020 in an email

A "leak" is just a product of human error. Someone was careless and got their self infected, brought it out the lab, and passed it on to someone else. It doesn't have to be a nefarious thing.
The virus got to Antarctica because someone infected brought it there. The fact that we know it's there means that people were able to isolate the person to stop further spread. If we just did nothing and let things roam free then we would be much worse off.

The masks are not an impenetrable forcefield--so I don't know why people keep acting like that's what people have claimed they are. They can't 100% "stop" it, especially when you introduce human error and misuse into the mix. But they do make a difference. The point isn't that you're going to 100% stop it, it's that you reduce the chances and radius of the spread.
If you were standing face to face with someone with the flu, do you have no preference if they cover their mouth or not when they cough? You obviously have a lower chance of getting what they got if they aren't coughing and sneezing on you. A mask helps reduce those particles from getting into you.
You will get Covid, and it will do what it’s going to do. We’ve all caught the flu, we’ve all caught a cold. Learn to accept this unfortunate reality and protect the susceptible.

stay healthy and stay sufficient in Zinc, vitamin D and E. Follow the science.
I wear it less so. I've been into a few shops without it, though I'll put it back on out of courtesy, if others have it on.

I'll still wear it when I'm in enclosed spaces/public transport, and where I work has mandatory mask wearing as a bylaw, for both employees and passengers, although it is often ignored behind the scenes.

I'm more concerned about how many people have taken the masks off, to be honest. It's not the mask thing itself, but the blind obedience to the government. It's caused me to realize that we aren't as free as I thought, and we are being manipulated all the time...
# of Chinese Holidays: 8

Leader of China Xi translates to Arabic numeral: 11

Covid occurred during year: ‘19

President Putin birthday: 10/7/52

Months in one year: 12

Add every number: 8 + 11 + 19 + 10 + 7 + 52 + 12 = 119

Divide sum with today’s calendar day of 7

119 / 7 = 17

And what’s the 17th letter of the alphabet? You guessed right(Q). This is happening.

Fuck I should have paid more attention during math class...
Restrictions have been lifted for over a month and I still see some people wearing it.
The worst is when I see kids wearing it outside or a person on their own wearing it outside - the only reasonable and acceptable explanation would be that they know they have corona and are still out.

I've read that there are something like 150+ scientific studies which say masks are useless.